| Newton MA News and Politics Blog[UPDATED with photos and revelations from this morning’s summer solstice event.]

You may recall from my post last September that — contrary to my most-rapidly-debunked* theory — we learned that the two tall stones installed on the grassy knoll overlooking Weeks Field are aligned with sunset on the autumnal equinox not on purpose but by mere happenstance. We also learned, from astronomer @MattLister, that these stones are also aligned with sunrise on the summer solstice — i.e., this Sunday, June 20. Matt also explained in the comments to that post that the summer solstice alignment will occur not at official sunrise (5:08AM) but rather around 6:30AM, when the sun is 13 degrees above the horizon, clearing the trees on the eastern side of Weeks Field. Matt and I plan to be there at Newtonhenge around 6:30AM Sunday to see if that’s correct. All are welcome!

UPDATE:  This morning we learned that:

  •  | Newton MA News and Politics BlogNewtonhenge needs to be sent into the shop for alignment.  On this summer solstice morning, the sun began to peek above the trees over Weeks Field at 5:25AM. That was earlier than predicted and also a bit to the left of the point predicted. At that moment, the sun’s rays did not align with the Newtonhenge stones. So apparently Newtonhenge is not aligned with the sun at the moment of sunrise on the summer solstice by design — and not even by happenstance! Today there was a layer of clouds, so after that brief gleaming, the sun remained totally obscured until…
  •  | Newton MA News and Politics BlogBy some miraculous coincidence, the clouds parted exactly at the moment the sun was aligned.  After sunrise, we saw no sun until 6:31AM — which was indeed the time predicted for exact alignment with Newtonhenge. Suddenly, the clouds parted and the sunlight streamed through between the stones, but just for a short while. As soon as the sun passed the plane between the stones, it went back behind the clouds. So we got the time of alignment right but misjudged how high the sun would be above the trees. Alignment was not at sunrise but was wonderful to see.

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

P.S.  It looks like the Druids were there in spirit after all!

(* My most-rapidly-debunked theory to date, that is.)