There was an article this week in Newton South’s paper, The Lion’s Roar, titled “Female athletes face adversity, even at South” describing differential attitudes toward girls’ and boys’ teams at the school.

On February 12, the Newton South Athletics Instagram page congratulated the boys hockey team on their senior night, while failing to recognize the girls hockey team’s senior night, which took place on the same day.


“One of the girls on my team commented pointing out that we had a game as well. Somebody responded saying that nobody cared, which obviously we were hurt by,” Conroy said.


After Conroy’s teammate commented on the post, now-removed responses by members of the boys team highlighted the underlying misogyny present at South…


Aside from Athletic Director Patricia Gonzalez turning off the post’s comments and apologizing to the girls, the incident remained largely unaddressed.

It is sad and disturbing to see the lack of respect for female athletes in a Newton school. I hope that the athletics department and school administration will address the differences in attention to and respect for girls’ and boys’ sports teams and use this as an educational opportunity.

Kudos to the staff of The Lion’s Roar, especially reporter Grace Grabowski and editor Clare Tourtelotte. I hope a follow-up article will be able to report that constructive action has been taken to address these problematic attitudes.