Coming soon – Village14 will soon be launching its Zoom based VidVillage14 site. We plan to fully integrate the new Zoom based component with the Village14 you all know and love,
Here’s how it will work. With each new Village14 post there will be an associated Zoom room link. Rather than just post comments on a topic you’ll be able to join a live Zoom discussion on the topic. While on Zoom you’ll be able to type comments in the Zoom Chat feature and those comments will automatically be added to the Village14 thread. Better still, Zoom’s automatic transcription feature will capture everything you say and add it to the Village14 comments threads.
Each Zoom rooms will have its own rating so you’ll be able to pick and choose your favorite kind of conversation to join.
Talking Over the Back Fence – For friendly conversations between neighbors
Herogram Central – Rooms dedicated to sharing well deserved praise of Newton people, programs, and institutions
You Don’t Know What you’re Talking About – For heated back and forth discussions of hot button issues.
Did You Know? – Share news and tips of what’s happening in Newton
Yelling at Sean – Village14 wouldn’t be complete without it. No one can rile up V14 readers better than regular contributor and founder Sean Roche. Head to this room if you want to yell at Sean for something he’s said, for something you think he’s said, or just because. Pinata Boy is waiting for your insults.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat – Here’s where you go if you want to say the same thing over, and over, and over again.
We’re hoping with all the different rooms, and more to come, we can make room for all the styles of conversation folks like to have.
(This was one of our 2021 April Fools stories)
This one is my favorite. I imagine an episode of “Black Mirror,” where people get stuck in the Zoom rooms and can never get out. Yell at Sean for eternity.
Give it a try – Here’s a Zoom link . If any V14 readers get there at the same time they can have a chat … or yell about Sean.