With 28 of 32 precincts reporting, it is clear that John Oliver has won the Ward 1 city council race by a wide margin.
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Congratulations! Well done.
Congrats John!
Congrats John!
Congratulations John!
Congrats, John, on your hard earned victory – it was a privilege to participate in forums with you and get to know you over the past few months!
I definitely think you should continue your efforts. Your personality, manner of speaking is well suited to public office… especially in times of great partisanship
Bugek, I agree. David raised a number of issues (e.g., the city’s fiscal sustainability) that no one else really focused on. Please stay engaged and run again.
Congratulations John, and good luck on the City Council!
The Council has some new faces on it, and that is always a good thing.
I hope Madeline Ranalli will continue to seek public service; we need bright young minds willing to put themselves out there.
Congratulations, John and Tarik! The people have spoken! Please don’t run for anything in Newton again, Bryan.
Gail: Would you be interested in running again for school committee? We could use more adults in the room for those meetings, too.
@Casey: No
Reposted from another thread:
Congratulations Tarik and John. When the election is over, we turn our backs to the drama and look to the future, which is all about 24 Councilors working together for the best of all in Newton. Those who step up and say “here I am”, I choose to serve my community as an elected official, receive my full respect and admiration for giving of time and self. To Tarik, Bryan, David, John and Maddy, I thank you for steeping up.
What I learned along the way of this contentious special election is more about the humanity that we must never miss: I learned that Tarik Lucas, the first black candidate to be elected to the Council in decades, will bring more than diversity but a welcomed and needed perspective that I am eager to fully engage. I learned that John Oliver is to be commended as an example to all that caring and engaging in your community on a daily basis and putting in the work can lead to governing. I learned that Bryan Barash is smart and passionate and has an amazing wife Claudia and some impressive passionate student supporters that care about Newton and our future. I learned that David Micley is a clear thinking intelligent newcomer to Newton politics who should keep engaged. I learned that Maddy Ranalli ran an honest campaign, is intelligent and wise beyond her years and understands the this is only the beginning for her.
If you think I am playing this right down the middle I sincerely thank you for that observation. I am tired, so tired from the polarized politics of this country and am saddened to see it in our wonderful City. The cliche is so true, that we have more that binds us than divides us. Nothing gets done if we are pressed up against the edges with our backs turned to the middle. We can review, renew, grow and evolve in all aspects of society and government if we come together. I know there is so much we agree on and can find the best path forward for all. And yes, It’s not all about change but there are some things about our City that we choose to maintain and we all need to be sensitive to those as well. Maintain our schools, the character of our neighborhoods, etc. We can evolve while keeping the focus on what we cherish.
We have a lot of work ahead of us on the Council and I for one welcome our new members and look forward to meeting in the middle, which is where I see the path forward. Now is the time for reconciliation, which will leads to collaboration for the good of Newton…..
@Rick Lipof, very well said!
Thank you Bryan and Maddy. Your relentless and energetic campaign moved the needle, regardless of the outcome of this particular election.
Tarik and John, I’m really really happy for both of you. I have faith that you’ll follow through on your promises to draw on your experience, to collaborate, and to bring practical solutions on the myriad of issues that come before the City Council. Congratulations, Councillors!
@Rick says it all, and very well!!! My personal Congratulations to Tarik and John, and a big thank you for running to Bryan, Maddy and David!! The city is a better place after an election that featured such great and dedicated candidates. Tarik and John get to jump right in with little pre-briefing and you’ll do fine, while I look forward to what Bryan, Maddy, and David bring to our future. Please stay involved!!
As a Veteran, seeing such a dedicated field makes my service worthwhile.