There are currently two positions open on the Newton City Council and both of them are city-wide positions, meaning that all Newton voters can participate in the Special Election that will be held on March 16 to fill those seats. The Ward 1 At-Large seat was vacated by the unexpected demise of City Councilor Jay Ciccone and the Ward 2 seat was vacated by Jake Auchincloss who resigned as he was elected and sworn in recently as our District’s Representative to Congress.

Newton is fortunate to have willing participants in the race to fill these two seats. As of this morning the City Clerk’s Office confirmed that there are two candidates who returned signature papers that have been verified for the race for the Ward 1 At-Large seat: John Oliver and Madeline Ranalli. He also confirmed that there are three candidates with verified signatures for the Ward 2 At-Large seat: Bryan Barash, Tarik Lucas and David Micley. Unless someone objects to or withdraws nomination papers by 5pm on Thursday, February 11th, the March 16 Special Election Ballot will list all five candidates seeking your votes.

Perhaps you recognize some of the candidates, but would like to learn more about all of their positions on matters of interest to you, (e.g., in-person school reboot, zoning, development, parking, budgets, street conditions, open space, historic preservation, land trusts, affordable housing, diversity, issues regarding Police training or support, Covid-19 relief, etc.) then may I suggest that you please forward questions you would like to be asked to [email protected].  

The Four Newton Area Councils will be conducting a Zoom Debate with the candidates, moderated by award-winning journalist, Marjorie Arons-Barron, on Sunday, February 21, 2-4pm. The link for the Zoom meeting will be forwarded closer to the date of the Debate, but please send your questions in now. The questions will be gathered by subject and condensed by the Area Council Committee of the Four Newton Area Councils and then provided to our moderator for her creative and probing approach to teasing out differences among the candidates so you can make an intelligent and informed choice on March 16th.