Newton residents aren’t immune to the economic effects of the current pandemic. Lines at the local food pantries have greatly increased. This is true for the whole Greater Boston area as well, especially in areas where people were already struggling.

While many in Newton desperately need the extra money from their stimulus checks, there are also many here for whom it’s just a nice extra. When my stimulus money showed up in my bank account a few weeks ago, my reaction was “This is nice but I don’t really need it”. I’m fortunate enough to have a secure job with income adequate to my needs. Could I always use a little extra? Of course. But this money isn’t life-changing for me so I decided to use it where it would help others and donated most of it to both a local food bank and the Greater Boston Food Bank, all of which are desperately in need of more funding in order to meet skyrocketing demand.

I’d like to urge those who, like me, don’t really need their stimulus payments to consider donating at least part of it to those who do. It’s one more way to help repair our world.