I remember as a youngster that my mother used an allegory to teach about perspective. She reminded me that a worm that is born in a barrel of horseradish and lives there for his whole life would think it was the sweetest place on earth! With that lesson in mind, I offer some interesting facts that I have learned from dear relatives who live in the Newton-esque suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.

I am not comparing apples and oranges. First of all, Michigan weather is comparable to Massachusetts weather. Their research and medical facilities are also on a par with ours. There are good, better and best school systems there that produce well-trained, creative and successful high school, college, and professional graduates that measure up, at an indistinguishable level, to those who study here. Comparable Michigan property taxes per square foot are lower, while at least some important services are clearly better there than in our home state.

First of all, not only are the streets routinely cleared of snow, all the sidewalks are likewise plowed by City “bombardiers” after each storm. Second, a family of 4 or a family of eight is offered only one garbage bin in Newton. To acquire more bins, one has to pay more. Need more bins in Michigan? Just ask and you get it. Third, and most important to me, is Michigan’s pandemic response which is head and shoulders above our State’s and City’s meager efforts. It is on that point that I wish to expound and grumble.

  1. If a Michigan resident needs or wants a Covid-19 test, his/her insurance is likely to cover the cost.
  2. That Michigan resident has the choice of many testing sites in the State.
  3. Testing in Michigan is done by many private “Urgent Care” centers at curbside. (To get the test, you stay in your car).
  4. Hospital systems in Michigan do not expect people to go inside their infectious, virus-laden indoor facilities, but offer curbside or “tented” or “sheltered” testing outdoors.
  5. Michigan residents have many choices as to which facility to use and there are many that have “drive-in” testing available.

Please don’t give me the snarly, snarky response that I should move to Michigan if it’s so great there. Please, just tell me why we should deserve the reputation that we live in the “Mecca” of barrels when it is filled to the brim with horseradish! To add to the allegory with a metaphor, I ask, “Is the Emperor naked?”

With hopes that your Christmas was Merry and that 2021 will turn the worms, I anticipate with interest reading your perspectives!