Via email tonight:


The League of Women of Voters of Massachusetts (LWVMA) and the League of Women Voters, Newton (LWVN) support and urge a YES vote on Question 2 Rank Choice Voting (RCV) for primary and general elections for state executive officials, state legislators, federal congressional representatives, and certain county offices.

RCV is a voting method in which voters rank candidates according to their preferences. The LWVN thought it was important to provide our members and Newton Voters more information about RCV.  Therefore, Marcia Johnson had a conversation with Susan Millinger, LWVMA and LWV Amherst Steering Committee about RCV  and covered the following topics:

·       History and Benefits of RCV:

  1. The key differences between RCV and Plurality system, e.g. 2 party system vs multiple parties.
  2. The reasons as to why the League supports this ballot question
  3. The mechanics of how this works and what does it take for a candidate to win?
  4. The challenges and potential drawbacks to RCV.

For more information, please refer to the Secretary of States’ Office.

Thank you!