| Newton MA News and Politics Blog[EDIT: Let’s meet on Saturday, Sept. 19 instead of Sept. 20. It’s a day before the equinox, but on Saturday, henge artist Curt Lamb will be onsite to tell us about his installation and the Paul family. Also, the weather may be better, and it will be @JerryReilly’s birthday. See you at the henge 4:25PM to 4:53PM!]

The arrangement of large stones on the hill overlooking Weeks Field has been well known to many park visitors and young soccer players over the years. It looks like an art installation that would fit in well at the deCordova Museum. After I featured it in the Newton Photo Scavenger Hunt, I noticed that it’s a bit reminiscent of Stonehenge. It turns out its more henge-like than first appears: The two taller stones at the southern end of the arrangement are set very close together, and the slit between them seems to align with where the sun will set over the trees on the autumnal equinox, on September 20. And according to astronomer @MattLister (who identified this installation in the scavenger hunt), these two stones also seem to be aligned for the sun to shine between them at sunrise on the summer solstice, on June 20. That must have been by design. By whom?

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogBefore the City owned this land and created Weeks Field (and Weeks Junior High), the land was owned by four generations the Paul family. Luther Paul (1793 – 1863) and Luther Paul, Jr. (1829 – 1909) were both very prominent in Newton Centre civic life, particularly in their church and in the fire service — both chiefs of the Newton Centre Fire Engine Co. [EDIT: In the comments below, @Paul Levy provides facts to replace my surmising in the rest of this paragraph!] A great-grandson of Luther Paul, Jr. who played on the farm as a kid says there was a bridle path and drive that circled around the Luther Paul house and barn, and although he did not recall the stones, together we surmised that the lower stones in the photo might have been stepping stones for mounting carriages and horses on that path. The two taller stones may have been added later, as they are not suitable for stepping. Some have surmised that they are repurposed street curb stones. So I’m guessing that Luther Sr. had the lower stones set, and maybe one or the other of these civic-minded Luthers added the taller stones set to align with the sun… for fun?

You can check it out on September 20. Weather permitting, the sun should appear through the slit from around 4:26PM to 4:54PM, with a peak at 4:40PM, as it sets into the trees. Those trees may be taller than they were in the 1800s, so they may obscure the sun a bit. Perhaps you’ll have better luck in the days before that, with the sun slightly higher (and one minute earlier) for each day earlier. On Saturday, September 19, the weather looks to be particularly clear – a great opportunity to meet the henge artist Curt Lamb and to celebrate @JerryReilly’s birthday at an historic site, at 4:39PM!

And keep in mind the opportunity to see sunrise through Newtonhenge at 6:30AM on June 20, 2021.