| Newton MA News and Politics BlogOn the morning of August 13, we had an unexpected visitor to our part of Waban. This creature was sitting, looking toward the pond behind our house, turning occasionally to peer right and left. From our kitchen window we could estimate size by the fact that it was perched on the top of the back of one of our chairs that we had used to get a little sun the day before. We think that it was about 20-22 inches from top of head to bottom of tail.

For about 15 minutes it just stayed there, long enough for me to get a few pretty good pictures of its back. When I pinched wide to enlarge the Smartphone images, I could see a beautiful diamond pattern on its back and wings and a white spot atop it head. Traffic on the road nearby didn’t seem to faze it. Then, it took off in a very low and slow flight (two to three feet off the ground) toward the fence between my backyard and the road, about twenty-five feet away, landing on the grass and moving out of my line of sight. Its wingspan, while impressive at about four to five feet across, didn’t measure up to the far more imposing gracefully flapping wingspans on the great blue herons that frequently fish in the pond behind our house.

I’ve Googled the images and downloaded a few apps that suggest that it might be a red-tailed hawk (whose feathers have not yet turned red) or possibly a juvenile bald eagle. I could never see its chest, so cannot report feather color there.

Since ornithology is not my strong suit, I turn to my better-informed friends and neighbors to help identify this traveler.