The League of Women Voters 10th Middlesex District Primary Candidate Forum will be held on August 12, 2020 at 5:30 pm.
Incumbent Representative John Lawn and his challenger Newton City Councilor Alison Leary will be the participants. The candidates will face off at the Massachusetts Democratic Primary Election to be held on September 1.
The forum is co-sponsored by the Leagues of Newton, Waltham, and Watertown and will be moderated by Ms. Courtney Rau Rogers, President of the LWV Norwood and member of the LWVMA Board of Directors,
NewTV, Newton’s local cable station, will stream the Zoom forum live on Vimeo at ttps:// , NewTV's Facebook page ( ) and will broadcast it on NewTV’s Government Channel (Comcast 9 ● RCN 13, 614 (HD) ● Verizon 33). The recording will be available for later viewing through September 1 on NewTV, the cable access stations in Waltham (WCAC-TV) and Watertown (WCA-TV), and on the local League websites.
After a brief opening statement from the candidates, the Moderator will ask questions submitted from League members and the public, followed by closing statements from the candidates. Questions may be emailed in advance to [email protected] and must be received by noon on August 10. Questions should be relevant to both candidates and current issues. Due to limited time, questions will be screened to ensure that a wide range of topics will be covered.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse parties or candidates. The Primary Election is September 1, 2020. Members of political parties (Republican, Democratic, Green-
Rainbow, Libertarian) may vote only in their own party's primary. Unenrolled voters (often referred to as "Independents") and members of political designations or minor parties may vote in the party primary of their choice. You may change your party enrollment prior to the voter registration deadline (August 22). For information on all of the primary candidates, offices, and voting, visit the Voter Guide prepared by the League of Women Voters at .