OK, this is not necessarily Newton specific, but there are probably hundreds of instances where this term has been used here with regard to zoning issues and the like.
Universal Hub reports:
In an otherwise routine ruling on a zoning dispute between two Gloucester neighbors over a proposed garage replacement, the Supreme Judicial Court announced today it will no longer use “grandfathering” or “grandfathered” in its decisions.
About halfway down in the ruling (over whether a couple could replace a decaying eyesore of a garage with a new one closer to the property line than allowed under town zoning) the state’s highest court noted that “Section 6 of G. L. c. 40A provides a certain level of protection to all structures that predate applicable zoning restrictions,” and then added a footnote to that, reading:
Providing such protection commonly is known — in the case law and otherwise — as “grandfathering.” We decline to use that term, however, because we acknowledge that it has racist origins. Specifically, the phrase “grandfather clause” originally referred to provisions adopted by some States after the Civil War in an effort to disenfranchise African-American voters by requiring voters to pass literacy tests or meet other significant qualifications, while exempting from such requirements those who were descendants of men who were eligible to vote prior to 1867. See Webster’s Third New International Dictionary 987 (2002) (definition of “grandfather clause”); Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Principle and Prejudice: The Supreme Court and Race in the Progressive Era, 82 Colum. L. Rev. 835 (1982).
Does anyone know what word we are supposed to use instead?
“Predates current rules/restrictions/etc.”
Sure, thanks Paul. I was just thinking that there is some value in a having a specific term for a concept — to appear in a legal glossary, as the title of a Wikipedia page, etc.
I agree, Jeremy! With all the lawyers in MA, someone should be able to come up with a shorthand word, no?
Jeremy, In Spanish, they just say “exempted,” as in “Casas ya construidas estarán eximidas de los nuevos reglamentos.”
Or with “antiquity” (!!)–or more gently stated, “seniority,” as in “La empresa va a empezar a reducir sus contribuciones a los planes de retiro de los empleado, pero no afectará a los empleados con antigüedad.”