The Boston Globe has endorsed Jake Auchincloss for Congress.
…one hopeful stands out in the nine-candidate primary: Newton City Councilor Jake Auchincloss. His track record in local government and his military background as a former Marine captain provide depth of experience and perspective that are valuable assets as Congress navigates crises in public health and the economy. The Globe enthusiastically endorses Auchincloss in the Fourth Congressional District Democratic primary.
It’s also worth recognizing that, in local government, Auchincloss was a reliable vote in favor of fair housing well before the outpouring of protests against systemic racism that erupted this spring and thrust issues of racial justice to the fore. Even in — especially in — Boston’s liberally leaning suburbs, that’s not the politically expedient choice. “I had been occasionally frustrated, frankly, by a progressive city like Newton that purports to be welcoming and inclusive . . . and pro-immigration at the national level” but “continuously put up barriers to entry for those who want to immigrate into Newton and to buy new houses,” he said.
Auchincloss’s military service in Afghanistan, where he observed and was tasked with implementing an aimless American strategy, offers valuable insights into his foreign affairs thinking. “Briefing 40 Marines [for] a combat mission with a purpose statement that I just made up on the fly is a true education,” he said. “And it has deeply informed my commitment to ending the forever wars overseas. We have spent two decades and $6 trillion trying to police a 1,500-year-old sectarian conflict. We’re not winning. And we’re doing more harm than good.”
A big endorsement, especially in a crowded field where name-recognition is low. I haven’t chose who to support yet, but it would be nice to see the field narrow a bit. I hate the idea that the winner might only get 30-40% of the popular vote.
Congratulations to Jake on earning the Globe endorsement, and congratulations to the liberal Globe editorial board for seeing through all the misleading negative attacks aimed at Jake by his more liberal opponents and their supporters. As the Globe notes, Jake has the most promise, he is the best prepared, and he deserves your vote in the primary September 1st.
Jake will be the next Congressman to represent MA-4. He has run a great campaign, has a strong message and impressive credentials.
James, with a field this size, the winner is likely to get below 30%.
Congratulations Jake.
Meanwhile, on….
James and Paul, I share your concern that someone can win this nomination with just a small percentage of the votes. Two years ago, Lori Trahan won the nomination in the 3rd CD with just 21.6% of the votes. It’s a shame there isn’t a better way. Wait, there is! In this fall’s general election, Massachusetts voters can establish “ranked choice” or “instant runoff” voting by casting a Yes vote on Question 2. More info is at
Dan, Further to your point, I have been told that the voting machines we use can be programmed to count ranked-choice elections. The manufacturers of these machines all knew that a number of states might be moving in that direction, so they built the capability into the machines they’ve been selling. I haven’t confirmed this point, but if true, the sponsors of the initiative petition might want to make that known.
Dan, thank you. I will vote yes.
Paul, good point & good to know.