Nice campaign literature. But what caught my attention was reference to being “one of the first Democrats to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment..” I’ve been trying to find his statement on that – maybe he wrote an editorial?
Nice campaign literature. But what caught my attention was reference to being “one of the first Democrats to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment..” I’ve been trying to find his statement on that – maybe he wrote an editorial?
I find it odd that Jake came out openly during one of the City Council / Newton Police Zoom meetings and essentially said that veterans preference shouldn’t be considered any longer when hiring, yet he openly displays the fact he is a veteran when seeking votes through literature. One thing to put it in your bio, but right there on the cover gives my the belief you are using your veteran status to gain votes, and ultimately a job….I find this to be quite hypocritical
Kinda like my saying I was one of the first people to recognize that Hamilton was going to be a huge success. Sure, I’m on record early, but there were a million others making the same point.
There were Democrats looking forward to impeaching Trump before he was even elected.
He said this during one of the debates. I think he was making reference to discussions within city council itself. It may be buried in minutes somewhere.
The comment Jake made removing Veteran preference was made in relation to the civil service process when discussing police hiring. In a nut shell, a series of preferences means often the list of potential candidates a city can consider for police and fire and other positions is very small, likely less educated than the general public and less diverse. I believe these rules include veteran status, if you grew up in Newton and if you have family members already on the force. It is time for Newton to review the Civil Service process and options for replacing it. This is a pretty good article on the issues with Civil Service process.
@Alicia, excellent article and while I actually believe we need to reexamine hiring in all city departments, and possibly eliminate civil service, I just find it odd that while Jake wants to eliminate veterans having a leg up on a job (whether that’s right or wrong is another discussion), he profoundly displays it while he is essentially seeking votes, and ultimately a job. Like I said, I find this hypocritical, but then again he is a politician and that is just the way it is I guess.