For Week #4 of the Newton Photo Scavenger Hunt, here are five more photos of objects in Newton that are odd or charming — and rather unique, rather permanent, and visible from public property. Can you identify them?

The first person to write in the comments below the correct (and sufficiently precise) location of the object will win one point per object identified. At the end of the summer, whoever has the most points will win a $50 gift certificate for the Newton restaurant of the winner’s choice.

After three weeks of the scavenger hunt, the current totals are: @Michael 4, @LisaP 3, and 2 each for @Dave Brigham, @David Wallace, @Fignewtonville, and @Adam. And we still have these two waiting to be found:  9. No Trespassing (now 3 points) and 12. Insect Hotel (still 1 point).

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16. Graffiti Face

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17. Bronze Baby

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18. Hidden Bridge

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19. Half Grid

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20. Blue Couple