| Newton MA News and Politics Blog


In Ward 7 Councilor Marc Laredo’s most recent newsletter, he asks for community input regarding the potential elimination of single-family zoning within a certain radius from transit.  According to his newsletter:

“the Planning Department has now raised the following question to the City Council:  should Newton eliminate single-family zoning within 0.5 miles (it also asked about 0.25 miles) of a Green Line station, Commuter Rail station or an express bus stop (express buses pick up passengers in Newton and take the Massachusetts Turnpike into downtown Boston) and within 0.25 miles of a MBTA bus stop (there are a number of non-express MBTA bus routes that run through Newton)?”

Well, V14 folks, what are your thoughts?

Sorry – I should have added this map from his newsletter too.  

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog