For Week #2 of the Newton Photo Scavenger Hunt, here are five more photos of objects in Newton that are odd or charming — and rather unique, rather permanent, and visible from public property. Can you identify them?
The first person to write in the comments below the correct (and sufficiently precise) location of the object will win one point per object identified. Separately, the first person to take a photo of the object and email it to [email protected] will win two points per object. At the end of the summer, whoever has the most points will win a $50 gift certificate for the Newton restaurant of the winner’s choice.
Four of the five photos from Week #1 were identified last week, leaving this one still to be claimed.
#8 is on Echo Bridge and if you follow the path of the Sudbury Aqueduct eastward you arrive at #7 which is the delightful Jolly’s Hollow, just before Newton Centre.
@Michael, correct on both counts! “BWW” is “Boston Water Works.” And here’s a 2017 TAB article on Jolly’s Hollow, which lies between the Cochituate and Sudbury aqueducts.
Bruce I love the juxtaposition of #9 and #10
Number 6 are the shoes beneath the bridge on Bullough’s Pond’s waterfall. No idea who put them there, but I’ve always thought it was a cool feature.
Number 10 are the Kelly hands on the statue at Commonwealth and Walnut, which should really be more of a tourist attraction for the Boston Marathon.
sorry, the Johnny Kelley Statute.
@Fignewtonville, correct on both counts! I was quite astounded to find those shoes there one day, and it got me wondering what other objects must be around Newton like that.
@Jerry, …or the juxtaposition of #7 and #9!
So where is #9, anyway?
@Bruce, could you please zoom out then enhance, so we can see if there might be a reflection?
I feel like I’ve seen #9, but I might just be getting it mixed up with suburban South Africa, where those signs are ubiquitous (and where they usually feature an armed silhouette for maximum effect).
There might be one or two similar signs on the perimeters of some South Brookline estates, but I don’t think Newton’s billionaires are that antisocial.
Other than that, I’m hoping the threat of armed response is intended to protect the trespassers from themselves, so I would’ve guessed the WHDH tower on Tower Road, the other transmitter next to the Upper Falls Playground, or maybe the MBTA substation where the Green Line bends south of Route 9. But it doesn’t seem to be any of those. Maybe some federal property?
Tough one!
@Michael: Very reasonable guesses, but none correct. I think it’s not protecting trespassers from themselves. It’s not federal property. It’s not some billionaire’s estate. It’s not connected with any of the installations you mentioned. But you are correct that it’s a tough one!