| Newton MA News and Politics Blog | Newton MA News and Politics BlogHere’s an opportunity for the community to hear more about Newton Public School financial Challenges in the years ahead:

The Newton school system faced serious fiscal challenges even before COVID and the deep recession, and the next few years now looks to be even tougher.


Join this timely and important discussion of Newton Public Schools’ finances hosted by Newton City Councilor Emily Norton with a short slide presentation by Matt Hills, comments by Paul Levy, followed by audience Q&A.


When: Monday, June 22, 5:00 – 6:00 PM


Matt Hills is a former Chair of the Newton School Committee, an appointee of Governor Baker to the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, and an appointee of the Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education to the Financial Assessment and Risk Monitoring Advisory Committee.


Paul Levy has lived in Newton since 1981. He served as chair of the Newton Blue Ribbon Commission for Financial Resources in 2006-7 (appointed by the Mayor and President of the Board of Aldermen.) The Commission was charged with reviewing all aspects of Newton’s projected financial resources and expenses so that citizens and officials would have a better idea of what to expect in the following years. Paul holds bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Urban Studies and Planning, and a Master’s degree in City Planning from MIT.


Register in advance here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.