Apparently, the City Council has cancelled their invitation to Matt Hills, to publicly listen to his assessment of NPS Finances.
Former SC Chair and BESE Board Member Disinvited from Publicly Addressing NPS Finance Issues
by Amy Sangiolo | Jun 2, 2020 | Newton | 9 comments
Do you know why?
Prob bc Fleishman is handing out jobs and raises. Both are facts. Iām not sharing any other details.
Could you please provide some context to those of us who are not familiar with this story? And what do you mean by “apparently”? Is there something between the lines that I’m missing?
Sorry, just saw your previous post. Never mind.
This was a wise call. From what I have heard, Hills had a tumultuous past with the NPS regarding contract renewals. His bias would have tarnished his assessment.
“His Bias”?
So, essentially, any possibility of hearing a different viewpoint from the pre-determined groupthink is not welcome regardless of experience, credentials, or community dedication and service.
Even a hint of the potential of diversity of thought and ideas is only acceptable in concept?
Completely agree with Charlie. After what happened in Brookline, I would have been very interested to hear what Matt Hills thought.
And I can’t help but wonder why Councilors like Bill Humphrey, who knew the meeting was canceled, won’t tell us why.
I believe it is highly relevant that he was formerly the chair of the School Committee. If you are concerned about groupthink, then why not get someone involved from outside of the Newton circles? He is a member of a different modal of groupthink that resides in Newton.
@Jason – Do both. We do not have a shortage of highly articulate and intelligent people willing to speak in our city.
Anytime someone is muzzled it’s fair to assume their opinion was not welcome.