My husband and I live on a corner lot and have a long driveway. Since we are both unable to walk long distances without a lot of pain, and we have been sequestering since March 14, we have gotten in the habit of walking nearly daily round trips from one end of our driveway to the other and back. A full “L-shaped” loop down the east side of our house from Street One’s sidewalk, across the southern portion of our property that goes along the back of our house to Street Two’s sidewalk and then back to the origin point on Street One is about 700 feet. We can manage a few loops before one of us gives up with a painful knee or back or some other body part. But we have been taking this walk as often as the sun has been shining and the sky and lawn have been clear of rain and snow.

Today my husband described our outdoor ventures to a friend in a COVID-19-safe telephone call in the following manner:

“I feel like a hamster!”

I am not quite sure, but I think it beats the rat race.