| Newton MA News and Politics BlogNewton’s West Suburban YMCA in Newton Corner announced that beginning Wednesday April 2, they will launch a series of on-line daily swimming sessions.

Said YMCA Vice-Chair Aaron Goldman, “Like virtually every organization in the country we have been scrambling to come up with ways we can continue to fulfill our mission during these extraordinary times.”

Hundreds of people rely on a daily swim at the Y to keep themselves fit and healthy.  We worry that with the Y shut down, and people staying home, our members are not going to get the exercise they need. 

Our virtual swimming pool will open tomorrow with a full schedule

  • 6 – 8 AM Adult swim
  • 8-10 AM Senior swim
  • 10-11 AM Jazzerswim class
  • 11-12 AM Pilataswim class
  • 12-2 PM Toddler splash
  • 2-4 Youth swim
  • 4-6 Swim team practice
  • 6-7 – Closed for daily maintenance
  • 7-9 – Adult swim
  • 9-10 Couples moonlight swim

Says Goldman “At this point, this is all an experiment.  We’ll see how it goes for the first week.  If the pool doesn’t get too crowded we may also open the pool for non-members as a public service until this crisis over.”

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog