Since th | Newton MA News and Politics Bloge pandemic first threatened Newton, the mayor’s office has been doing a great job communicating with a nervous citizenry.  The daily Mayor’s Update emails have been filled with up-to-the-minute data and information about our local situation and how the city is responding to the ever changing facts on the ground.

One member of the nervous public who has appreciated these daily updates is Newton artist Fredrica Smith.   Said Ms. Smith, “the TV news is all so alarming so I really appreciate these calm informative emails from the mayor.”    Ms. Smith went on to say that as a visual artist though she found the graphic design of the newsletter uninspiring.

Said Ms Smith “I believe in the power of graphics to communicate, but the mayor’s newsletter graphic design looks dated – just so last year”.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogFredrica contacted the mayor’s office and volunteered to donate a new graphic design.

Said the city’s Director of Community Engagement Dana Hanson, “We’ve been delighted with Fredrica’s energy, enthusiasm, and spirit ….. but, ah,no,  we’re still not quite ready to sign off on her new design yet.