In a startling turn of events Northland Development today announced that they will not re-develop the massive 22 acre parcel in Upper Falls.
For the last three years the city has been consumed with digesting this huge project – dozens of public meetings, endless City Council sessions, a contentious Special Permit vote, a referendum election to overturn that vote. After all that Northland changed its mind..
Said Northland’s Peter Standish “We’re exhausted. After 3 years of dealing with the City, the Council, RightSize Newton and the neighbors – we’re just all exhausted. The thought of now having to go build this whole thing now is just too much”
Northland says that they currently are in talks with Radio Shack about moving back in and hope to get a new dance studio to replace the iconic Paulette’s soon.
Sorry to be the spoiler, but before anyone gets too excited, remember today’s date.
Not funny, Jerry!
gave me hope for a few seconds, then crushed me.
Although I have to admit, it was a good try, Jerry!
Reopening the Radio Shack was a nice touch.
Jerry, seriously funny content! I am bowling over with laughter. Printing these out and sending them to my kids. I have COVID-19.
-Mort Hoffman
I’m glad we could bring you a few laughs Mort. Be well soon.
The cratered economy could well make this story a reality….
Given this news from Northland we may have to rethink our new masthead design
Will Radio Shack have c-90 cassette tapes? Mine are failing
Yes… and new battery-of-the-month cards for all Newton residents
Andy Borowitz, move over. :). Well done.
Jerry, it was “Battery-a-month” club, not “Battery-of-the-month”. It wasn’t a contest. And you got to choose your single pretty lousy battery yourself.
I got that wrong too. In middle school. :)
In your defense, almost every online source, including Wikipedia, gets it wrong as well.
See here:
True story, I once ran away from home and straight to a Radio Shack.
TFW you learn something about somebody that is completely unsurprising. Very amusing, but not surprising.
Even in these Covid infested times, my education continues.
I’m immensely grateful to you Michael that I will no longer embarrass myself publicly in any future discussion of that club. Thank you.
If things get dicey at home these days I guess you’ll have to run away to U-Do-It