I have heard complaints about construction continuing under unsafe circumstances. Although Boston Mayor Marty Walsh shut down construction in Boston weeks ago, Mayor Fuller has let construction continue in Newton. Her reply to questions and complaints has been: “There are state guidelines for construction” – she says she has consulted public health experts and she wants to keep things going.

Hopefully that will soon change. 


Tuesday, March 31, 2020


On behalf of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council

 Massachusetts Building Trades Council votes unanimously to call for a statewide suspension of all regular activity at construction sites in Massachusetts

 MALDEN, MA – Today, the Executive Board of the 75,000 member Massachusetts Building Trades Council voted unanimously to call on Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker to declare a statewide suspension of all regular activity at construction sites in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beginning Friday April 3rd and continuing through April 30th.

The vote was unanimous among the statewide council, including among Local unions representing workers from the Berkshires to Cape Cod. The council is advocating that the only work the government should permit to move forward should be emergency and certain essential work: 

That emergency and essential work includes:

• Emergency utility, road or building work, such as gas leaks, water leaks and sinkholes

• New utility connections to occupied buildings

• Mandated building or utility work

• Work at public health facilities, healthcare facilities, shelters, including temporary shelters and other facilities that support vulnerable populations

• Work which ensures the reliability of the transportation network, and Other work necessary to render occupied residential buildings fully habitable.

Additional emergency/essential construction projects may be added on a case-by-case basis after joint review and approval by state and local officials.