This note appeared this morning at the end of the Boston Globe’s Newton Report email newsletter..
Here’s an update from Boston University Adjunct Professor Gail Spector on her journalism class and its coverage of Newton:
Much to our disappointment, we were unable to host a debate between the opposing sides of the Northland ballot question in class this week because the “no” side was unable to provide someone to present its case.
As a result, students have only heard arguments in favor of the Northland development. We did our best by dividing into groups to argue both sides, but I believe we lost a great opportunity to teach young journalists about both balanced reporting and an important Newton issue.
I’m delighted to be working with such eager and engaged students who are trying to do their best for our city. To all Newton residents: If you are serious about getting more news coverage in Newton, please support our efforts. Thank you.
It’s disappointing that the ‘no’ side seems preoccupied pursuing dubious complaints against City Hall instead of meeting with voters and with Northland.
For three years Right Size Newton turned down invitations to sit down and meet with Northland. Then last week they also declined to appear at a League of Women Voters forum with the ‘yes’ side.
Now this.
It’s as if they’re looking to do whatever they can to avoid talking about what kind of city we want to be and everything they can to create distractions.
When was the invitation sent out? This week also happens to school vacation week and many folks are out of town.
A couple days’ notice, then being called out not being able to make such short notice appearance is not fair.
@Matt – Gail first reached out to the Yes campaign on Jan 20 about the event she was trying to organize. We offered to provide someone to speak on behalf of the Yes campaign on both of the initially proposed dates, and through several back and forth exchanges over the weeks that followed, were willing to accommodate whatever date and time worked for Gail and for the No campaign.
It was never last minute thing.
Several RSNers at Pettee Square this morning, few of whom likely to have school-aged children. Available to hold signs, but not available to answer tough questions?
@Matt Lai,
I asked several people over the course of about a month — including a campaign chair — and I offered two possible dates.
@gail, I was told of only one date. 9:30am on a Wed (when most are working their full time jobs). And only in front of your class. I am not disputing what you are saying but one of us is not getting the most accurate story.
@Matt: You are correct that 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday was the only time. I offered two different dates but my class only meets on Wednesday mornings.
I changed the format a few times to try and accommodate the concerns of the Committee for Responsible Development. My final ask was for someone to come by themselves for a one-sided, off-the-record conversation. Again, my students were asking to hear the No argument and I was trying to provide a lesson in balanced report while helping them refine their interviewing skills.
I’m happy to continue this conversation offline with you, if you’d like.