If you’re scratching your head after reading our headline, just wait until you read the full TAB editorial.
TAB accuses Yes side of keeping location of the Northland development a secret
by village14 | Feb 14, 2020 | Newton | 25 comments
by village14 | Feb 14, 2020 | Newton | 25 comments
If you’re scratching your head after reading our headline, just wait until you read the full TAB editorial.
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As most folks know, I’m rarely at a loss for words.
But it’s been three hours since I’ve seen this. I’ve got nothing, except to note
Northland’s website
Yes for Newton’s Future’s website
And if there are Newton residents or newspaper editors who don’t know where this project is, the local paper has had three years to educate the public about the location. So who’s fault would that really be?
Good lord, has the writer visited a website before?
Item # 1 from https://yesfornewton.com/about-the-project/
“22.7-acre site on Needham Street, currently home to aging industrial buildings.”
Item #1 from https://yesfornewton.com/faq/
“What is the Northland Newton Project? A 22.6-acre site at Needham and Oak Streets comprised of 3 separate parcels including the Saco-Pettee mill building, former Ivex industrial building and Marshalls Plaza retail center.”
Given that Newton residents are not allowed to decline to receive the Tab, I am mystified that they don’t take an editorial stand on this issue, and instead published this weird, passive-aggressive pablum. Just come out against the project and give us something interesting to fight about!
Um… anyone contacted the editorial staff to make sure they have not recently sustained head wounds?
This is really embarrassing. For a community that has such an educated and engaged citizenry our local paper reflects none of that passion and instead gives us this drivel. We deserve better. And then we read , “Again, we do not oppose or support the project,” . Oh that’s rich – our newspaper, on its editorial page no less, explicitly refuses to take a position on the most pressing and divisive public issue. Profiles in cowardice.
This is beyond bizarre. Here’s an idea: If the Tab really thinks that people don’t know where the site is, it should publish a map of the site along with information about the ballot question. Does anybody really think that Northland and the yes campaign are trying to hide a 22-acre site?
This reads like an axe to grind, not an editorial.
Or possible a very young and inexperienced editor who doesn’t live in Newton.
I thought the TAB confused Valentine’s Day with April Fools Day
Worst kept secret in Newton History.
For that matter, why will nobody tell me where Village 14 is? What are they hiding?
The editorial was mind boggling. But this thread is hilarious. So much winning.
Never wanted the like button more.
Same, Gail!
As disturbing as the Newton tab pablum editorial is, should I be disturbed that the ad at the bottom of this thread is for a 12 gauge pistol, and holster?
Speaking of bone headed conspiracy theories … I received this postcard from the Yes for Newton’s Future campaign today. What is that in the sky? Is that a drone? Will Upper Falls be under surveillance? Should I be worried? I have nothing to hide but ….
@Allisson Sharma,
Why is it your campaign does not show an image of the full scale project? Is it too large ;-)
Simon – It’s hard to fit 22.7 acres in one image!
Did the Yes for Newton’s Future or some other group supporting the city council’s vote make the Northland site disappear Under the Dome, send it back to 11/22/63 or hide it along the way to the Dark Tower? If so I know someone who could find a way to bring it back.
On a side note, you can request to have your address removed from the delivery list. I haven’t seen a copy in about 5 years. Simply nothing to read.
That gives me a great idea for a marketing campaign for the new Northland apartments, presuming the yes vote prevails on Super Tuesday:
Access to free electric shuttles 16 hours a day.
Free or subsidized T passes.
10 acres of open space.
Lots of great restaurants, shops and the Greenway.
Low utility bills thanks to state-of-the-art environmental building standards.
PLUS you won’t have to worry about the Tab being delivered to your door because we haven’t told them where we’re located!
Sorry to interrupt this great thread with a more serious observation but the absurdity is too much for me to resist.
Julie Cohen, editor of Newton Wicked-Local seems to be channeling Simon French, the chairman and treasurer for Newton Democracy in this editorial. The Tab’s investigative prowess stops at googling Northland and no editorial opinion seems to be present except that Northland and it’s supporting group are keeping the site a secret. What the Hell!
Although the editorial says twice,
That is immediately followed by
As well as
But then says,
The real loss here is the lack of any serious reporting about the project. Rather than presenting odd complaints about websites, I’d urge the TAB to do some real reporting on this project. How about an article explaining?
What’s passive house, and what do experts say about it?
What’s the difference between senior housing and age friendly housing? What do experts say about it?
What are the actual terms of traffic mitigation in the council’s board order? How will they be enforced? And what do independent traffic experts say?
How bad is the housing shortage in Newton? Are there other places where we should be building housing that would be better?
What’s behind Northland’s proposal to offer discounted retail space to local businesses? What do local business owners think of that idea?
What’s the plan to clean up the brook that runs through the property?
Any one of those would help voters make an informed decision on March 3 and — as a reader bonus — they can publish the location of the project in each and every article.
I think I know what stumped the Tab… they were looking in Area 51.
Today we sent a letter to the Tab, and were informed that the last day for Northland submissions was 13 February. That was six days after people who serve on commissions etc received guidance from the city regarding how they may discuss the subject, and nineteen days before the referendum. So apparently we’re reduced to lawn signs.
If they really wanted to hide the location of the development, they would have put it in Thompsonville. I’m still not convinced that village actually exists.
It’s right down the street from Brigadoon.