This is a FREE event; no expertise is needed, just a will to challenge yourself, be a part of a team, and have some fun! Bring your 8th grader or high school student to join the team.
Sign up to participate in the Newton Civics Challenge at the Cabot School on Sunday, March 1, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, organized by the League of Women Voters of Newton. Join with a group of 3 – 4 people or let us create a group for you! Click here to register, see the rules, and view more sample questions and resources.
False: My Grandfather was Mayor for 19 years. (May of been long if it was for ‘preferential voting’)
Interesting historic tidbit: From 1874 – 1910 no Newton mayor served more than 1 term.
I think Ted Mann served 22 years. He was a great Mayor.
Another interesting tidbit: before the 1971, Newton had a 2-year term for mayor. That changed when the charter proposed by the 1969 charter commission was adopted.
So…all you civics mavens…how about participating in the civics challenge then?
Great idea Sue.
Anybody who would like to be on the Village 14 Civics Team. Send me an email at [email protected]