Wow, now the so-called electric utility service providers who normally call using all sorts of false phone numbers seems to have taken over the City of Newton’s identity. Call came in from 617-552-7582 and the caller id read City of Newton. Anyone else receive a call from them?
City of Newton – Call about Electric Bill?
by Amy Sangiolo | Jan 31, 2020 | Newton | 2 comments
Thanks Amy! As a general rule, I never answer a call where the number is either blocked, or one I do not recognize. If it’s not BS and important enough, they’ll leave a voicemail – at which point I’ll call them back and put their number in the contact list. ;-)
(We do not have a home phone. Just use cell.)
I have a landline for the precise reason to simply have a phone number to give out that I never answer.
Small price to pay.