The Globe’s John Hilliard explores the various options currently on the table for the proposed Newton Center for Active Living, or NewCAL,
Here’s the latest on the NewCAL search
by village14 | Jan 22, 2020 | Newton | 6 comments
by village14 | Jan 22, 2020 | Newton | 6 comments
The Globe’s John Hilliard explores the various options currently on the table for the proposed Newton Center for Active Living, or NewCAL,
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How did the West Newton Armory end up on this list? Thought we desperately needed more affordable housing?
Matt, the challange with the West Newton Armory is that while the city can purchase it for $1 IF they use it for affordable housing, they aren’t allowed to alter the exterior of the building. That includes very narrow, small windows. They could purchase it for (I think) $1ml for other uses but same limitation. I think it is a non-starter
Yet the City of Newton just received a $200,000 State grant to determine Armory feasibility for housing. It seem the Armory would suffice much better and more economically as an annex to the existing Walnut Street Senior Center.
If you were not able to attend the public meeting last week where the sites currently under examination were displayed, here’s the link to the written material from that meeting.
The first page show the current use of each location. Following pages contain detailed information about each site and the broad working assumptions that underlie the cost and project time estimate. Some sites would involve new construction while others would be extensive renovation. Each location has unique constraints.
As an aside, there is a huge trove of data on the website that has contributed to informing the project to date. Worth exploring.
Continued cart-before-the-horse thinking. Where’s the attempt to survey seniors in the community (50+) about what they would really want and use, and how potential locations affect their likelihood of doing so?
Please re-read Marian Knapp’s thoughts on all of this. Huge, valuable insights from one of our local experts:
Kudos to the Mayor for noting in her January 23 email Update that January 16 NewCAL meeting “Participants also weighed in on what we should eventually name the facility.”
As previously conveyed here on V14, there was thinking that the “NewCAL” moniker (Newton Center for Active Living) perhaps should go back to “Newton Senior Center” — also recognizing that seniors with infirmities or who prefer less activity, are also welcome.