Lumiere is slated to close in February, the Globe reports
After two decades in West Newton, Lumiere to close
by village14 | Dec 5, 2019 | Newton | 10 comments
by village14 | Dec 5, 2019 | Newton | 10 comments
Lumiere is slated to close in February, the Globe reports
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Sad to hear that Jordan Bailey is packing up and shutting down Lumiere. I’ve enjoyed his reincarnation of Michael Leviton’s restaurant and it was always a comfortable place to enjoy a drink before or after a move or a special dinner. I’m sad to see him go but wish him well in his next venture. He is a talented chef and I hope resurfaces somewhere else close by.
Soon there will be two empty restaurant storefronts in West Newton Square. (I see that the old Coney Island is turning into a wine bar) I hope something good replaces them. (Something with breakfast, I hope)
What’s wrong with wine for breakfast?
Sad to see Lumiere go. While I didn’t dine there often, my meals there were always memorable (under both managements) including the celebration of my 50th wedding anniversary – a surprise planned by our children. I also enjoyed giving gift certificates to others for Lumiere, knowing they would not be disappointed.
This is a loss to West Newton. I really enjoyed this place.
I had hoped they would move to a new building somewhere on Washington Street.
They are upscale enough and well regarded; they would have been a great local anchor restaurant for a new development.
You know, for all of its accolades, it was pretty empty most of the time and I never really understood why.
A wonderful restaurant for special occasions! This is sad news indeed, but I must differ with whoever said that the place was empty much of the time. It was generally busy when I dined there. The economics of running a successful restaurant must be tough.
Hopefully something more vibrant, casual, and less stuffy takes it’s place.
They had a nice run but I could never get beyond the feeling that I was eating in Brighams.