Tonight the City Council unanimously approved taking the undeveloped portion of Webster Woods by eminent domain.
Webster Woods approved
by Jerry Reilly | Dec 2, 2019 | Newton, Webster Woods | 10 comments
by Jerry Reilly | Dec 2, 2019 | Newton, Webster Woods | 10 comments
Tonight the City Council unanimously approved taking the undeveloped portion of Webster Woods by eminent domain.
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This a good day for saving the largest conservation area in Newton in perpetuity! There was plenty of applause at the end of the vote in the chambers. We’re not out of the woods yet, but this is a significant victory for our community.
Good. Now BC should ensure that, one way or the other, the land remains in an undeveloped state. Goodness knows, they have a lot of money rolling around in their various accounts and they continue to receive bargain basement services from Newton that we humble homeowners help to subsidize. Just a suggestion in this holiday period of giving.
According to Mayor Fuller’s email this morning, Newton’s City Charter requires a 20-day waiting period before any legislative measure can take effect. At the end of December, Newton will record the Order of Taking with the South Middlesex Registry of Deeds, and at that point, Newton will own the land. Boston College will be paid within 60 days after that point.
Personally I’m thrilled it should happen so soon. Mayor Fuller anticipates Boston College will challenge the acquisition in the Courts for a number of years, but from other sources I’ve read, it seems unlikely the property will change hands again.
It’s a great day for the City of Newton! This should have happened 5 years ago when the opportunity was in front of us.
I more than agree!
As to why this didn’t happen 5 years ago, the reader is directed down through this previous V14 thread:
…and of course the 5 year of ensuing events (after that missed — actually thwarted — opportunity) has cost the Newton taxpayer many millions of dollars!
Jim, I couldn’t agree more! The finger points to a former Mayor of Newton.
“Well done” to the Mayor and all others who made this possible. I don’t know of cases where the act of eminent domain taking of this type was overturned, so it appears that Newton will own the land. What we pay for it, well, that’s to be decided. But it was a (second) chance in a lifetime to secure this property, and I’m pleased it’s happening.
Now, even though the land is in a “wild” state, I hope there will be financial provisions made by the Mayor and Council for appropriate maintenance, trash removal, and the like. We’ve fallen behind on such things in other natural areas, like Cold Spring Park.
What are we going to seize next? I say lets go after the private golf courses.
@Paul Levy—among the things Council passed on Monday related to Webster Woods was $15,000 to the Newton Conservators for management of the conservation restriction. In my understanding (and please correct me if I’m wrong @Ted Kulkinski), that amount is banked and the income will be used for annual maintenance efforts such as trail rehabilitation, invasives control &tc.