While most of us are focused on the upcoming election, the city council overwhelmingly passed a new parking meter program. The Tab’s Julie Cohen in her Oct 22 title: Newton Businesses Flabbergasted by Possible $3.75 Parking Meters, (a major click bate title) includes both quotes from business owners, business leaders and city councilors – some against, some wanting to wait and see and some for.

An excerpt: 

Outraged over the newly approved ordinance allowing the Department of Planning and Development to raise parking meter rates up to $3.75 in high-demand parts of the city, area shop and restaurant owners worried the move could be a “business killer.”


Some councilors originally wanted the limit raised to $5, but decided on $3.75 – the same Boston charges in the Back Bay (Newbury Street), higher than anywhere in Brookline and more than Cambridge charges in Harvard Square. In lower-demand areas of the city, meter prices could decrease.


The new plan “absolutely is the worst decision in the wrong direction,” said Jamie Kaye, owner of the Station Diner in Newton Centre, by email. “I guarantee ‘high-demand’ areas will quickly become low-demand areas because no one wants to be nickled and dimed to death trying to park.”


According to Jake Auchincloss, one of the councilors who voted to cede the council’s authority to set rates to the Planning Department, $3.75 was a compromise for in-demand areas. He pointed out via email rates in some village centers could decrease.


“We passed the first step in a much smarter approach to parking, which looks to optimize for availability and convenience of parking in our village centers by allowing for demand-based pricing. Reduces congestion, too, if implemented well,” he said.


If the City Council approves $1.5 million to replace all 1,100 street parking meters and add more kiosks to municipal lots, the rates could change by the spring. Each of the meters has a wireless cellular connection where fee amounts can be updated remotely, allowing Planning Department staff to increase or decrease the fees according to the demand.


Linda Gulman, owner of Indulge!, a candy shop in Newton Highlands, said she hopes the meter rates will not increase.


“In my opinion this will not make shoppers leave earlier than planned – this will force them to shop elsewhere where they don’t end up paying so much for parking. There are many more areas for them to go: Chestnut Hill Square, The Street, Wellesley, Needham and more,” she said via email.



Linda de Valpine, owner of Greentail Table in Nonantum, said that a $3.75 fee for in-demand parts of Newton seemed too high for an area outside of Boston, but had a nuanced opinion about raising prices in general.


“Perhaps it is reasonable in very high-demand areas to have higher rates – i.e. Newton Centre where people do circle around looking for parking spots,” she said. “However, in Nonantum, I think the higher parking rates would be a deterrent.”


Asked whether she thought higher meters could drive customers to shop in areas outside of village centers with free parking, de Valpine said, “Not necessarily. Nonantum has very unique retail, food, and service-oriented businesses which [offer] goods/services … not easily replicated in a mall setting.”


Greg Reibman, president of the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber, said via email that, “variable-price parking has been successfully employed in many communities and can make parking easier for those who need it, while reducing traffic congestion and emissions for everyone.


“If the prices are too high, we’ll know about it because we’ll see a lot of empty spaces. And if it’s too low, we’ll know that too because we’ll see the situation we see now, with cars driving around in circles looking for a place to park,” he said.


Reibman added that the chamber would be “watching closely but we believe this an idea worth exploring.”