I didn’t want to miss this chance to say that I thought that Mayor Fuller’s current update has an exceptionally clear and complete summary of the eminent domain process for taking Webster Woods.
Well done, Mayor.
by Paul Levy | Oct 7, 2019 | Newton | 7 comments
I agree it was well done. It answered many of my questions and dispelled some myths that I’ve read here on Village 14, including the notion that we shouldn’t be pursuing Webster Woods if we can’t resolve our union contracts or retirement obligations.
As noted in Fuller’s statement, the Webster Woods acquisition and legal costs would come from CPA funds (and private donations), which cannot be used for salaries or benefits.
Hmm…this post has some good framing if you are a supporter of the acquisition.
But to be fair, my recollection is that quite a few folks were stating on prior threads that the overall cost to the city would be nowhere near $15,200,000, not to mention the legal budget of $740,000. I think certain folks were using a “few million bucks” as most of the land couldn’t be developed. Welp, nope. To quote the youth…”Ball don’t lie folks”.
And the mayor admits that the legal costs may EXCEED that amount. So no normal real estate acquisition costs $740,000. Vacant land? Maybe $30,000. So the Mayor is preparing for legal war here with BC. And the $740,000 legal budget may not be enough?!!?
And BC won’t come in with $15,200,000 as their FMV price. If our starting point is $15,200,000, count on it being higher.
So…we are looking at least $16,000,000 total, with maybe higher. Likely higher in my view.
That $740,000 legal is just a complete opportunity cost for not trying to get the land a few years ago. Poof. Gone. Wasted. The lawyers thank you.
I’m glad the Mayor wrote a good summary of the taking. But the details within are the key. I think Paul and Greg are missing the forest for the trees…
This $16,000,000 plus must be judged by the type of action taken, the legal battle to come, the use of funds that now can’t be used for other CPA uses, etc. CPA is supposed to also support affordable housing. Historic Preservation. This is putting a huge portion of our chips into this one basket. Is that what we want? Would we be better off spreading these 16,000,000 around our full city? We could redo every playground, we could repair the Armory, we could build quite a few units of affordable housing.
It is a great potential CPA project. But let’s not lessen the cost or the details. The cost is high. The opportunity costs are high too, both in legal and other projects we won’t be able to afford that could have been funded with CPA funds. And this land acquisition should be judged against those overall costs.
I know the Friends of Webster Woods will be there during these meetings as a show of support for the Mayor’s action and I encourage others to attend as well.
Dates/times to remember:
* Thurs, 10/10 at 7 pm, City Council Chambers, City Hall
* Wed 11/6 at 7 pm, City Hall
* Tues, 11/12 at 7 pm, City Hall
Quoting from her update: “While I will address the CPC this coming Thursday, October 10
th at 7:00 pm
in the City Council Chambers, the public is welcome but it is not a public hearing.
(Please know the CPC may also choose to go into a closed executive session later that
night to talk about the legal process.) The CPC’s official public hearing on the project is
scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 7:00 pm at Newton City Hall. The CPC will then
deliberate on Webster Woods on Tuesday, Nov. 12 starting at 7:00 pm.”
I was wrong about the cost of the woodland and yes $15 million is a lot of money, but at the same time this is a one-time cost to ensure that Webster Woods and the largest contiguous woodland in Newton stays that way.
Using $15 million bonded over 30 years is $500,000/year. CPA funds are broken down here: http://www.newtonma.gov/civicax/filebank/documents/75478
Allocation targets of the CPA:
Affordable housing: 35%
Historic resources: 20%
Open space and recreation land (acquisition): 20%
Open space and recreation (rehab, capital improvements): 20%
All of the above +/- 5%
So, unless the CPA breaks their own rules, at max they can only spend 25% of funds for Webster Woods. I don’t know how much is leftover if we assume $500k towards Webster Woods.
Thanks Nelson. Good post, that.
Has anyone thought of approaching one of Newton’s multi-billionaires to preserve Webster Woods?
Adelson Woods, Redstone Woods or Davis Woods, for example, may not sound bad.
@Fig: Yep. It would have been better if Mayor Warren had acted on the original offer. I hope he doesn’t seek re-election.
Seriously, there’s not much we can do about bad past decisions by a prior administration. All we can do is move forward.