City Councilor Jake Auchincloss joined what promises to be a crowded race for the 4th Congressional District seat currently held on Joe Kennedy III. With his announcement he becomes the second Newton resident publicly vying for the seat.
Are there more Newton residents thinking about it?
Is he running as a Republican? I know he has had some conservative positions in the past.
Since he mentioned support of The Green New Deal in his announcement email, I wouldn’t this so. He identifies as a Democrat
He also talks about an assault weapons ban, public health care and a woman’s right to choose, so definitely more aligned with Democrats.
One can wear one hat one day and another the next, depending on the weather. ;D What I want to know, amongst other things, is how he’d vote ref the ‘millionaire’s tax’ (and to put it in writing!).
Shame about the “green new deal” nonsense. Hopefully he is just saying that to get elected.
Craig, why is the “Green New Deal” nonsense to you? Do you not believe in climate change?
Ryan, the Green New Deal is one proposed way of mitigating the effects of climate change. It is highly divisive, as are the authors of the plan. A big part of Jake’s appeal is as a sensible actor who is above the fray of far left or far right politics. The Green New Deal is literally the embodiment of the far left.
If I candidate wants to win my vote, they must be leading on the environment and addressing climate change and signing onto the Green New Deal.
In case you haven’t read the GND here is a link to the 14 page document. The GND should not be controversial, divisive or partisan. We have 11 years to cut carbon emissions by 50%. That will not happen easily and it will require investment and the time is now.
According to The Washington Post (February 11, 2019), the resolution calls for a “10-year national mobilization” whose primary goals would be:
“Guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States.”
“Providing all people of the United States with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.”
“Providing resources, training, and high-quality education, including higher education, to all people of the United States.”
“Meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”
“Repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including . . . by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible.”
“Building or upgrading to energy-efficient, distributed, and ‘smart’ power grids, and working to ensure affordable access to electricity.”
“Upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.”
“Overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in – (i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing; (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; and (iii) high-speed rail.”
“Spurring massive growth in clean manufacturing in the United States and removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing and industry as much as is technologically feasible.”
“Working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector as much as is technologically feasible.”
Actually, the green new deal as it stands doesn’t go far enough. But it’s better than nothing :/
Pro cannabis voters in this district would love to get a crack at Auchincloss. But I predict he’ll be out of the race well before the vote is taken. It’s going to be very tough for him to explain his support for the young men who flew the Confederate flag at NNHS. That symbol of hate is not very popular in Massachusetts 4th Congressional District.
I’ll admit I haven’t done a lot of research into The Green New Deal. But I am confused how these first three fit in:
““Guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States.”
“Providing all people of the United States with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.”
“Providing resources, training, and high-quality education, including higher education, to all people of the United States.””
I have been very impressed by Jake’s work on the City Council, pushing hard be more strategic and less reactive on key decisions. Jake is in a race with several other amazing candidates and who knows who else might join the race. That is good for MA-4.
Given that Auchincloss has announced his candidacy for US Congress, I think that the discussion about his funding that has been going on in the Oct 1 post about the Globe story about him is relevant here. I repeat my initial comment from that discussion here, so that people who are thinking about Auchincloss for US Representative can consider these issues:
I’ve always been uncomfortable with Auchincloss’s big-business friendly positions given how much of his funding came from outside Newton and even outside the state.
See which reported that “Close to two-thirds of the individual contributions accepted by Auchincloss — the election’s top fundraiser — came from outside Newton, while 45 percent came from donors in New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Florida, California, New Jersey and Washington, D.C.”
Auchincloss had $19,000 in non-Newton funds. The next closest were in the $2K range and most under $1K.
At the time, Auchincloss refused to say who those donors were, and to my knowledge, he has never disclosed it. While perhaps legal, I find it very suspicious and not at all what I want in a representative.
Extremely privileged white male – same ol’ same ol’.
No worries – he can afford a sexy PR firm to spackle these things over with the public. How about another block party? Free food and we get to dunk him to benefit a needy non-profit. Like Newton’s teachers.
Good grief Michael. The guy served for 4 years in Afghanistan. I know the current political insanity requires that people in Newton have to pretend that white men are evil, and college manifestos like the green new deal are realistic, but Jake is clearly a good person by any reasonable standard.
@claire The 3 items you referenced are EJ: Economic Justice. People who are low income and people of color are more impacted by climate change and other environmental hazards. Look to the research on long-term health impacts on people who live near congested highways and near fracking operations as one example (asthma, cancer, brain damage, early Alzheimers) . We need to provide more protection for these people as we transition. We also need to give people working in industries like fossil fuels the training and education to join the new economy. These guarantees are not just the right thing to do, they make good sense for a well functioning society.
Obviously his service is commendable and the country is indebted to him, but it’s not necessary to exaggerate and say that he served in Afghanistan for four years. His actual tour in Afghanistan seems to have taken place in the summer of 2012, but feel free to correct me.
@Newton Upper Falls Resident
All donations and expenses are public
In the meanwhile, is Jake going to step out the Newton Council election? That’s what usually happens when Councilors run for Mayor.
I am curious. Do you support the Bernie/Elizabeth position of eliminating private insurance and have everyone on Medicare. Or do you support the Joe/Pete/Amy position that people can chose to keep their Employer provide insurance or opt into Medicare?
I realize as a City Councilor, these wouldn’t be issues you deal with and that it seems a little off topic but I find myself curious base on your last comment. I’m just curious where you stand
@Simon – Jake has given notice at his full-time job so that he is able to continue being an engaged City Councilor while running for Congress. This is great news for Newton – we’ll either gain a congressman or retain an excellent city councilor.
Jake is a whip-smart, independent thinker, and his focus on smart transportation and housing strategies can’t be matched. I’m grateful for Jake’s commitment to Newton while he pursues the congressional seat.
(And for what it’s worth, the deadline for a candidate to remove his or her name from the ballot was August 8.)
Michael, according to his website he was in the service for 4 years, of which parts were spent in Afghanistan and Panama. I’m certainly not looking to exaggerate his service, and I’m sure you’ll stipulate that a Harvard grad with his connections had far easier and more lucrative options than a stint with the Marines.
@Allison: I suspect running for Congress will prove to be a full time job. Newton will be senior slump to him. He’s flown.
@Claire raises good questions. @Alicia, while those economic justice items, as broadly written, might have merit on their own right, I think their inclusion in a green agenda undermines the likelihood of adoption of that agenda by the Congress, even if Democrats have majorities. It’s my judgment that they are an overreach for the body politic. Each one of those clauses is a major policy shift for the US, and I don’t see a consensus arising for them.
It’s definitely going to be an interesting race.
@Michael–everyone knows that making derogatory remarks about a person’s skin color and gender is both racist and sexist. That is true even when the target of your remarks is a white male.
@Michael Singer – Gee, that’s super.
I like the dedication Jake has brought to the Council. He’s built up a commendable track record of public service. I don’t agree with some of his positions, which I think are well reasoned but too often tack toward a safe center. But I believe in his character.
I think Jake should definitely run. If he were to win we’d be well served and I think he would be a great representative. Yet I don’t think he has much chance. The electorate has no appetite for a measured thinker with a centrist background: see Ayanna Pressley v Mike Capuano.
Cause and effect. Enough smart people say that economic justice is an overreach, the less likely the political viability.
How about we start with the substance and hold on the handicapping?
@Sean, I think we approach these things differently. My goal is achieving change in the right direction, which generally does not come in big leaps, or by combining ideas that can set things back in the political debate. Yours, I believe, is to advocate for a bigger set of changes, perhaps in the hope that you’ll enable passage of a larger percentage of package. There is a role for people in both categories of political activism.
Thus we have the solution to all of our problems:
Wasn’t Jake a proud, registered Republican when he entered Newton public life a few years ago?
Does he have any accomplishments where he led as City Councilor?
@all: Jake is to be commended for stepping up once again to serve his community, and country. Let’s clear the air on military service. The Marines (like all service branches) are a challenge, and dangerous to your health, from the day you step onto the grounds of Parris Island, or in Jake’s case Quantico, VA. Whether he served 1 day, or 1000 days in actual combat operations, it’s all the same. On D-Day, an event of which we are all aware of, a good number of those that perished on the beaches were in their 1st day of combat.
@Craig: Right on.