Join members of the League of Women Voters of Newton (LWVN) on Sunday, September 15 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at the Durant Kenrick House (286 Waverly Avenue, Newton) as we host a community discussion led by constitutional law professor, Jed Shugerman. We will be talking about our constitution and how it is holding up; is our constitution still working the way it was intended? is there still a balance of powers among the three branches of government? is the Supreme Court still an independent branch of government or should structural changes be made? what about the independence of the Fed, the Attorney General and the Department of Justice? are we near a constitutional crisis?
Jed Shugerman, a Newton resident and former Bowen PTO co-chair, is a law professor and legal historian at Fordham University in New York. He teaches torts, administrative law and constitutional history.
Jed is the author of The People’s Courts: Pursuing Judicial Independence in America (2012), on the evolution of judicial elections and politics in America. He is working on a new book, The Rise of the Prosecutor Politicians, on the history of American prosecutors and mass incarceration. His articles often appear in law reviews and major national newspapers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, and The Atlantic. He appears on MSNBC, CNN and CBC to discuss legal issues, and he writes about law and politics at and on Twitter @jedshug.
A question and answer session and open discussion will follow after Mr. Shugerman’s presentation.
RSVPs to [email protected] are appreciated!
The answer to’are we close to a constitutional crisis’ is: too much so! Hopefully Mr. Sugarman can offer advice about what can be done before it’s too late :/
I would respectfully venture that Mr. Shugerman’s hostility toward President Trump is the driver here.
The Constitution’s election, legislation and amendment processes afford avenues for what are really Mr. Shugerman’s political differences with President Trump and his voters and supporters throughout America.
If there is any failure, it has more to do with the loss of objectivity and scrutiny on the part of the press.