The “Arbitrary Parking Ban” isn’t quite as arbitrary as before but it’s still not just a “Winter Parking Ban” because March is included. Yes, we can have snow here in March. But it’s never been a “Snow Emergency Overnight Parking Ban.” Whether it snows or is beautiful weather, this Ban is in place!
Evidently the City’s elected officials do not see the paradox that occurs when increasing housing density without including sufficient parking in already dense areas and arbitrarily banning overnight parking for 4 months come snow or shine. 
Or the same paradox that occurs when, in the same dense areas with the same narrow streets, increasing housing density without enough parking and building a school without sufficient parking on site.
From the Mayor’s Newsletter – September 4, 2019
Winter Parking Ban Shortened
The Overnight Parking Ban will be four weeks shorter this winter. Overnight on-street parking in Newton is now prohibited from Dec. 1 through March 31. (The previous parking ban was from Nov. 15 to April 15.) Thank you City Council for the vote last night.
Need overnight parking this winter? Free municipal parking lot permits are available through the Newton Police Department, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Permits are for Newton residents only. They are given out on a first-come first-served basis and are good for parking only during the Winter Parking Ban. Bring a valid driver’s license and vehicle registration.