You have a only a few more days to visit Superfoodie Station, “a start-up immersive pop-up exhibit” that is in bloom in Newton Highlands through August 30. It’s the brainchild of Tammy Nguyen, who aims to “educate visitors about healthy living, sustainability, and being eco-friendly in a fun and interactive way.” It’s at 23 Lincoln Street and open 11AM til 7:30PM — and til 8:30PM Friday-Sunday. Don’t just step in and glance around; the exhibits extend through rooms and curtains all the way to the back of the building. Admission is free, and the work is supported by the sale of chocolate and reusable drinking straws. No kidding. Yes, there’s a full online reservation system, but you are welcome to just drop by and experience Superfoodie Station’s premiere in the Boston area — and be transported, as Tammy says, “into a land filled with tasty superfoods and colorful scenic adventures.”