This just in….
The Boston Globe announced a new partnership with Boston University College of Communication to expand news coverage in the city of Newton while also helping to train the next generation of journalists. Under a pilot program, the school will devote one of its beat reporting classes to covering the city of 90,000 residents for The Globe throughout the academic year.
While many regional news organizations continue to cut local coverage, this partnership with Boston University will allow the Globe to deepen its coverage of Newton and test whether this attracts and retains subscribers, which are business imperatives for long-term sustainability.
“Newton has long been among the Globe’s most loyal communities. This pilot will test if adding fresh voices with a digital-first approach helps us grow while fulfilling our civic role,” said Brian McGrory, editor of The Boston Globe “Were thrilled to be working with Boston University to nurture the next generation of community journalists.”
“Newton is facing urgent and divisive issues around development and its schools as well as a hotly contested November election,” said Gail Spector, a longtime Newton journalist and former Newton TAB editor who will teach the class. “It’s an incredible opportunity for these students to dive into important issues as they continue their work in such an important field.”
The Globe will publish a weekly newsletter, host a dedicated section on, and publish both student stories and pieces from Boston Globe reporters beginning in early September.
As this new initiative gets underway, the Globe wants to hear from the community. To learn more about The Boston Globe’s coverage and lend your ideas, sign up for updates and share your thoughts at
Well done, Gail.
This is fabulous news, Gail! Thank you for working to make this happen.
Wow Gail congrats! What a great partnership & learning experience for the students! Lots of Newton news to cover…. I’ve subscribed & look forward to the weekly news.
This is exciting news both for Newton and the journalism students. Newton desperately needs more coverage on a regular basis. Jenna and Julie have been doing the best they can with the time they have to cover Newton, but it’s plainly not enough. Thank you Gail.
The journalism class will greatly benefit from having you guide them on their way and from having a real life “beat.” Academic knowledge and theories, including random outside reporting, don’t always transfer well into practice. This type of experience will.
Anecdote: I graduated from college with several degrees. Three of them were Journalism, Math and Computer Science (not called that then) – even worked on one of the first super computers. I’m old. I was looking forward to getting a job in one of those fields. Of course I had my dreams crushed – in 1970 women were not being accepted for those jobs, particularly those just out of college. Basically my choices were between being a secretary and teaching -so I did both and obtained masters in business and education.
Back then it hadn’t occurred to many that academic knowledge and theory didn’t translate well into practice. I do think it was before Vince Lombardi made his famous quote.
“…while also helping to train the next generation of journalists” who will never be able to land a paid job because of a neverending flow of unpaid underclassmen at the ready. Heck, maybe this can put the town’s handful of current professional local journalists out of a job too. I guess the only problem with this no-revenue model is that eventually kids will get wise and stop enrolling in journalism classeswhen they realize there’s only going to be 3 newspapers paying their journalists.
It’s good for Newton that the Boston Globe is trying out a new business model. It’s never been more clear how important it is to have independent media at the local, state and national level. Thanks to Gail and all those involved who are working on this issue!
This is a big deal.
As the Tab’s Newton news coverage dwindles to zero, this will be some new journalistic resources dedicated just to Newton …. and no one better to lead the charge then Gail Spector
This is such an important development for Newton; just as we are heading into a really important local election and are having important conversations about the future of our city. Student journalists won’t be able to provide the same depth of coverage and continuity as experienced beat reporters but they can provide a fresh set of eyes onto things we all take for granted. Plus they will have the benefit of Gail Spector’s steady leadership, integrity and impeccable news judgement.
I’ve just signed up for their newsletter and competed their survey.
I look forward to following this project closely.
Greg, would you say that the Boston Globe is objective non-biased journalism, especially in regards investigative reporting (at least at the national level), or that it has a leftward tilt?
The reason I ask is that I feel that the field of ‘journalism’ has lost some credibility and integrity, which it would be nice if the Globe would endeavor to recapture and inculcate among student ‘journalists’ (albeit I wouldn’t be surprised if you maintain that the Globe is, in fact, objective journalism).
This is fantastic news! In addition to the students that Gail will teach and lead, the Globe is significantly increasing the amount of its own journalists’ time spent reporting on Newton. So Newton will have much more regular timely coverage from this region’s major newspaper, BU will have a better program for its students, and the students will have a relatively unique real-world experience as part of their class. It’s a win-win-win–thank you Gail for making this successful!!
Jim, my view of the Globe is that is does try to be objective in its reporting, but its editorial page is very much left (or perhaps left-center). The WSJ has broken many stories about the Trump White House, but its editorial page is very much to the right.
No system of reporting is without some bias. I think the papers do a better job of being objective than the tv stations.
Also, while you and I can argue the above, it is at all a bad thing that the Globe will focus more on Newton? For instance, you’ve been very passionate about NewCal. Wouldn’t an indepth article on NewCal and your petition be useful in getting the two sides out on the table?
This is unexpectedly good news for Newton and I think for the Globe as well. I commend Gail. This is a 10 strike. I haven’t always agreed with Gail, Greg and Andy Levin, but all three brought a high level of integrity and honest reporting to the TAB while they were with this paper and they did it against heavy odds because of the hollowing out of local and regional newspapers over the past two to three decades. Hopefully, this will fill what’s turned into a deep and tragic oid in news reporting in Newton.
Should be “void” not “oid”..
This is really needed in Newton. We need in depth coverage on the important issues and our local elections. We are not getting that now.
Fig (and Greg),
I’m not referring to Globe Editorials (certainly there’s no problem with leftward tilt there, that is when identified as editorial); I AM referring to what the Globe calls ‘news’.
I can’t agree with you that the “Globe does try to be objective in its reporting”. It appears that the opposite is very much the case. It is agenda driven. For example, this entails not only the manner in which virtually ALL Globe reporting on President Trump runs from negative to harshly negative (the guy can’t do anything right and is at all times an evil racist idiot) — but what the Globe OMITS to report.
For instance, no reporting whatsoever on what are two recent more than monumental news events: 1. Failure to report Obama/Obama administration and Hillary Clinton/Clinton campaign connection to utilizing United States intelligence agencies to trick the FISA court to inaugurate and then continue to facilitate investigation of President Trump in attempt to drive him from office (some would call that an attempted coup d’etat) and 2. Revelation by recording of a recent New York Times editors meeting wherein staff writers were directed to shift from enmeshing all ‘news’ with the (now failed) ‘Russian’ narrative, to enmeshing all ‘news’ with the ‘United States is a racist country, founded in racism and President Trump is a white supremacist’ narrative, all in the continuing effort with the agenda to oust the President from office or defeat his reelection. Not a word from the Globe on the above (or the Washington Post, New York Times or AP for that matter either).
If the Globe carries this tilt at the local level, its expanded Newton coverage needs to be read at all times with that in mind.
If you don’t mind, while I certainly appreciate hearing your viewpoint on the Globe, I’m not up for a intense political debate at the moment. I happen to disagree with your points above, but I typically choose not to have in depth national political discussions these days online.
I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you, but I’m more interesting in posting on local issues here, not Trump or Clinton or Obama.
Hope you can appreciate my choice. I’m sure closer to 2020 I’ll be more active.
Fig, that’s OK. I’m not surprised.
I can never, ever — be that online, offline, here, there, anywhere, any means of communication, in person, with any of infinite excuses, justifications — get a liberal (or someone with a liberal position) to address substance when I raise salient points.
To me, that says the answer.
So, again, your response is completely normal in my experience.
So happy to see this come to fruition. Thank you to Gail and Greg and everyone who spent so much time to find a way to bring more local coverage back to Newton.
Democracy dies in darkness.
Good news! The Tab is embarrassing for a city the size of Newton. Maybe, if this gains traction, the Tab will disappear. Go Gail!
Well done, Gail! Have signed up and am excited to read my 1st email.
“Newton is facing urgent and divisive issues around development and its schools as well as a hotly contested November election,” said Gail Spector
If the students are going to get up to speed for the Newton Election its going to be one hell of a crash course. It will be interesting to see if they endorse candidates.
Simon: Professional news organizations like the Globe have a wall between journalists and editorial writers. I’m certain the students will not endorse.
Hey Fig: “Never try to teach a pig to read. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.” And most everyone else (wink).
Just a few thoughts here:
1. Overall, this is unquestionably a good thing, more news is better, especially news produced under the supervision of someone as good as Gail.
2. This is not a replacement for professional local journalism. They are two different animals. Students and professors will come and go, academic priorities will shift, but we should appreciate this for now.
3. This does not move the needle on the underlying economic trends that are negatively affecting local journalism, regional journalism (the Globe), and the larger journalism ecosphere, although universities certainly could be part of a more comprehensive, sustainable rethinking of underlying economic support of journalism.
Ugh. With apologies to Fig and Robert Heinlein, the actual quote is “Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”
Simon: I also believe that since BU is a nonprofit, IRS rules prohibiting “intervening in any political campaign on behalf of a candidate” would prevent them from endorsing candidates.
This is indeed good news. The Newton news desert has left city residents without any semblance of a neutral source of information on key activities and actions within the city.
In the best of worlds I’d love to see and support the development of a Newton “hyper-local” non-profit digital news source with a small professional staff that could focus on Newton issues in depth. But I don’t see that on the near horizon – maybe someday. Meanwhile, we are all dependent on news releases from local government to let us know what is happening. How’s that working out? NEWCAL says it all.
I’ve been an elected official and I’ve been a public sector manager. In both “jobs” I’ve experienced the benefits of an active press – sometimes uncomfortably. The press can keep a public official from making significant mistakes. Even the best of managers needs to have his/her ideas and assumptions challenged. The press can expose internal problems that beg for some light put on them, but that few officials would voluntarily put before the public. The press can root out corruption that insiders have tried unsuccessfully to address. The absence of press coverage helps incubate dysfunction and even rot.
I strongly support and applaud the Boston Globe and BU School of Journalism for their willingness to partner and pilot this new venture. Thank you Gail for taking up the challenge. Now, let’s get our friends and neighbors to signup, spread the word, and give Gail and the Globe our thoughts and ideas on just what is news worthy in Newton.
I’m delighted to see the positive reception to The Newton Report. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to let the Globe know what they’d like to see covered.
A few things you should all know:
1. The students are not the only part of the Globe’s efforts to better cover Newton. Globe correspondent (and former Newton TAB reporter) John Hilliard will devote more time to Newton. You’ll see more in-depth stories with John’s byline on them.
2. This endeavor is the result of a year-long effort by a group of dedicated Newton residents who were concerned about the lack of news coverage in the city. Greg Reibman, Anne Larner, Matt Hills, Amy Sangiolo, Andy Levin, Jerry Reilly and I spent a lot of hours trying to solve this problem. The solution isn’t perfect but it’s magnitudes better than the current situation.
3. Journalism isn’t free. I hope you all have subscriptions to the Boston Globe as well as any other publications/sites that supply your news!
4. I’m especially encouraged by the number of students at BU who are journalism majors, given the non-lucrative nature of the field. It’s great that they appreciate the importance of good journalism. I hope you’ll take their calls and help them understand our city.
Echoing Gail on thanking the group of Gail, Greg Reibman, Anne Larner, Matt Hills, Amy Sangiolo, Andy Levin, Jerry Reilly for the time and effort they’ve devoted to this important issue. We all owe them a big “thank you.”
Ralph Ranalli, your statement in this thread, “Never try to teach a pig to read. It wastes your time and annoys the pig,” makes my point precisely and confirms exactly what is lacking in ‘journalism’ of today.
Jim, are you familiar with the Meme “Sir, this is an Arby’s”? My kids introduced me to it, when I start to rant and rave about some topic they don’t care about.
The reason I’m not debating with you on national political issues isn’t because I’m afraid or because I can’t do it. As I stated, you are posting on a local blog. On local issues. This particular thread is about local journalism. Local. Not everything has to be universalized or seen through a tribal lens.
Also, I don’t post at National Reviews “the corner” or at DailyKos. Because it is exact meaning of more heat than light. I read a lot on political issues, my friends and relatives are very varied (and some of them are republican politicians). You and I going at it regarding Trump or the NYT isn’t worth my time. I might convince you on a local issue to see my point of view, but I tend to doubt there is any movement on the national political side.
As for why no one else wants to debate you on these issues, well, it could be that democrats are all afraid of your salient points and spot-on facts, or it could be that no one wants to take the time to dance with you. On half my passionate topics no one wants to dance with me either. Sometimes it is because I’m right and they know it (my view), sometimes it is because they are sick of the sound of my voice and would rather walk away.
But I still dance on Jim. I’m sure you will too. ;-)
Fig, hmmm, “rant and rave” … and a lot of ‘explanation’ and words on your part, merely precisely to prove my point.
No substantive reply (albeit with all the lengthy excuse why you can’t and won’t, would seem less effort to counter at least one point???).
Lovely idea. I long ago stopped subscribing to the Globe, as it had so diminished in scope and depth. I had suggested to the previous editor and his team that they take steps along this direction, to build strong connections with the communities in their territory. Those ideas were greeted with a big ho-hum.
Hoping this works out. With’s Gail’s indefatigable lead and her expertise and judgement, there is as a good chance as is possible!