Discovered while riding my bike to work on the Upper Falls Greenway this morning.
by village14 | Aug 15, 2019 | Newton, Upper Falls | 9 comments
Discovered while riding my bike to work on the Upper Falls Greenway this morning.
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Will the person that lost it, please claim it.
What tha?! Are the bills attached to the branches? What did you do?
Are you buying lunch Greg?
It’s hard to see on the photo of the sign but it says:
Money Tree
by Fredrica Smith
Money, thread on tree
This idyllic work imagines a better world, an alternate universe, where the old adage is no longer true. – ‘money does grow on trees’
Apparently they’ve been having some trouble with that particular sculpture. The very realistic looking $100 bills keep disappearing at night and the tree has been replenished with fresh bills a number of times since June.
@Karen: What did I do? I left it there.
Haven’t you heard that I’m in the pocket of developers? I don’t need money.
You said it, Greg. We didn’t ;D
All the money AND the sign are gone!! Very mysterious.
Maybe a bad case of money tree weevil or possibly over enthusiastic harvesting of the beautiful money blossoms.
@Jerry. Who would have felt compelled to take the sign? I took a tour of the Greenway a week or so back and was extremely pleased to see that a lot of people are now using it for their daily walk. I was a big proponent of the Greenway, but it looks so much better and creative than I thought it would when you started the process to make it a reality several years back. I wrote several articles promoting it for a Newton Highlands audience, but I think I was motivated more by the widespread support it was receiving in Upper Falls than any thought that it would turn out so much better than I could have imagined.
I hope nobody deliberately took the sign to register disapproval of the Money Tree display. I really enjoyed the entire artistic display, but I thought the Money Tree was the best of a good lot. Other people walking the Greenway with me that day seemed to concur and it helped that there were still dollar bills attached to the limbs and branches.