Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller will present her state of the city address Tuesday. But you can get a turn too: What do you think the state of our city is?
The state of our city is…
by village14 | Feb 19, 2019 | Newton, Ruthanne Fuller | 7 comments
by village14 | Feb 19, 2019 | Newton, Ruthanne Fuller | 7 comments
Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller will present her state of the city address Tuesday. But you can get a turn too: What do you think the state of our city is?
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Generally, I think the state of the city it is very good and the Mayor deserves credit for that.
Looking forward, she is proposing major changes to residential and commercial zoning that will dramatically change this city, hopefully for the better. However, there is a lot of uncertainty around town about whether all these changes will be a net positive for our community.
I hope she will commit to establishing a committee that all parties can have confidence in (not sponsored by developers) that will analyze and publish the implications of all these changes over the next 10 to 20 years so citizens can have an informed debate on the pros and cons of more density, and decide how much and which types of density make sense for Newton.
The physical and economic state of the city currently appears to be pretty good (albeit some problems such as traffic), however, there is a critical threat facing Newton. There is one elected City Councilor who, as documented, professes that “social justice” and “social change” should everywhere trump the “free market” by her aiming to lower home asset value throughout the city. That City Councilor seeks to achieve this through redesign of Newton Zoning to achieve what can be called, “Degentrification” of Newton.
The “state of the city” is just fine. But our elected “leaders” are woefully out of touch, endlessly self aggrandizing, and have no respect for their constituents.
Our taxes are increasing at too fast a rate. Rich people do not notice the steep annual increases and the new fees tacked onto our tax bills.
North side families are hurt by these high taxes and many can not continue to make ends meet. Many are forced to sell and leave their homes out of necessity. Mayor Fuller is a big spender and only represents those just like her.
This is sad for families who are crushed by governments which keep driving up debt. Newton is not well managed financially.
Only concerned about the divide the city opening up with north of the pike residents vs south.
On first blush, it does appear north side residents are being ask the bear the brunt of new development. Whether this is intentional or not, its a smart way of getting this push through.
20% of affected residents may vote no, but the 80% who will experience no change can freely vote yes and claim to support higher density goals.
I think fuller has her eye on future governorship. She will be able to claim she supported the region with Newton’s increased density…
Well played..
The state of the City is currently fine in spite of our leadership and not because of it IMO. We have a City Council whose MO is to stall, a mayor who does very little but pats herself on the back and poses for photo ops constantly, a school committee that keeps hemming and hawing about school start times, and big development and everyone keeps denying that it will impact our schools. So while the state of Newton is OK, it could be better.
The City has $1 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. That is equivalent to 2.5 years of total City revenue. The intergenerational wealth transfer is terrific news for City employees, City retirees, and council members. It is also a windfall for longtime residents who benefited from those personnel but won’t have to worry about supporting them and their dependents in the future. Those liabilities will probably persist until the 22nd century. If you think that’s outrageous, Google the story of Irene Triplett who is still receiving Civil War benefits.
Newton is a wonderful place to be right now. While everyone enjoys the party, just remember we’re sticking our grandchildren with the bill.