The Boston Globe’s Lucas Phillips wrote:
“The fliers, which include racist caricatures and connect Jews to pedophilia, were found in four bins on Lowell Avenue, Cottage Street, Walnut Street, and Morse Road, according to Lieutenant Bruce Apotheker, a spokesman.
The fliers were linked to the Daily Stormer Book Club, he said, which the Anti-Defamation League describes as an “alt right segment of the white supremacist movement,” on its website.”
I’m not saying it’s the case here, but during the 2002 Newton Override Campaign — the weekend before the vote — there were false flag anti-semitic/anti-black letters sent around Newton to key media, religious, and Jewish people and areas, making it appear that they came from the anti-override Newton Taxpayers Association. In response, Mayor Cohen (who reportedly released the letter to the Globe) organized, with the Anti-Defamation League, a Newton City Hall “come together and fight hate” rally the day before the election (and the override was defeated by a very narrow vote). The whole letter was more than a sham (actually violating false attribution statutes); the Newton Taxpayers Assn. — substantial portion of members being Jewish — had nothing to do with the letter.
The political dirty trick was the subject of a lengthy Boston Magazine article:
Again, not saying the current “Daily Stormer” flyer is a false flag designed to show right-wing anti-semitism as a problem in Newton (as much current anti-semitism — as maintained by some surrounding the Newton school curriculum — actually comes from the left), but any investigation by police etc. might want to at least take note of that possibility.
Yes, Jim,
Evil genius of the liberals. Attack yourself in a way that is so obnoxious your ENEMY is destroyed.
Len Mead, former President of the Newton Taxpayers Association
Not only those 4 locations were targeted. My husband is the steward of the Little Free Library at the Upper Falls Depot Coffee Shoppe at the corner of Oak and Chestnut streets, and his library was also the recipient of this material. The detectives of the Newton Police Department are doing an excellent job following up, and looking at all of the little free libraries in Newton to see how many others were targeted. If you saw anything Saturday night into Sunday morning, please contact the Detective Bureau at 617-796-2104
I doubt this particular case was a false flag, though I agree there is growing anti-Semitism on the far left. Hard to ignore that. I do know there are neo-Nazi sickos in Newton, believe it or not. I was threatened by one of them, online, several years ago. The guy was a total loser.
This is horrible and offensive. I’ve had people reach out to me about this as a member of the Human Rights Commission. We will certainly be discussing this and following developments closely.
In the last two years the expression of anti-semitism has been on the rise. Along with the others falling victim to fear and hatred gaining a voice, Jews need our reassurance that they are a valued part of our community – which they are. I hope the police find whoever is responsible for this terrible act.
Jim, your statement
as much current anti-semitism — as maintained by some surrounding the Newton school curriculum — actually comes from the left
insinuates there is some basis for maintaining anti-semitism in the Newton school curriculum. There is not. Time and time again over the years these insinuations create a hostile environment in our schools, take time away from educating students to meet demands and are always proved false.
To my many respected (and too respectful) Jewish friends in Newton.
Stop being so polite about this issue.
Remind your liberal psychiatrist neighbors that anti-Semitism and socialism always lead to piles of dead bodies. This issue is so serious you gotta get stronger — not more polite.
Len Mead,
Unwashed Conservative
Marti, thanks for your reassurance that Jews are a valued part of our community. I am aware that members of the community have maintained there is anti-semitism from the left surrounding Newton’s school curriculum (on the topic of the Jewish right to a homeland in Israel) which has not been proven false that I am aware.
I think it’s best to hold off judgement until the police complete its investigation.
Jim, on second read, that part of my comment did come off as condescending. I did not mean it that way but intentions aren’t worth much when the words don’t match. There were much better ways of conveying what I meant; I’m sorry I didn’t use them.
Thank you, Gail, for mention of the Globe article. I got back last night from two weeks out of the country and was unaware of this issue till I glanced at V14 today. I checked my own Little Free Library and found not a flier but an entire anti-Semitic book, which I immediately turned over to the police. Has this junk been planted on people’s doorsteps or in public places? Or is it so far limited to LFLs? The story has gone national by the way. A friend in California just got in touch to ask if we’d been hit. Charming.
I came across the flier and the anti-Semitic book in a little free library one block from Temple Emanuel while walking home with my kids from religious school. Luckily nobody else had seen them, and I promptly removed. I contacted the Newton Police Department, but have not had a detective follow-up with me yet. I hope they take this seriously, and do not just chalk it up to mischief. This is a coordinated operation with significant financial backing, and should be viewed as a serious attack on the Jewish community of Newton. It will doubtlessly not be the last of its kind. The only places I have ever seen propaganda this vile and disgusting are in holocaust museums.
I wouldn’t put too much faith in a police investigation. The patrolman who came to pick up the book I found told me there isn’t much the police can do because of free speech considerations.
I haven’t seen the materials but from the comments in this thread it seems like obscenity was included in some of them. Obscenity is not covered by free speech protections. I really hope the police investigate and arrest whoever spread this filth around.
Well, what can we do??
If this is true, and I believe it is, this is absolutely disgusting and the people responsible for it are A-holes.
What can we do to rid the city of this filth??
Marti, the fliers, which reference the Daily Stormer Book Club, include a caricature of a man with horns, a long nose and a beard, and read “Why do Jews push pornography and degeneracy on our children.” I’m not aware of “obscenity” (if that does not count).
I will note, however, if you review my comment (above, first comment), in that case there WAS a clear violation of both state and federal law — false attribution in a political contest — whereupon there was repeated urging of the state and federal (DOJ) Attorney General Offices to investigate, and nothing was ever done.
Without knowing more, in view of the current controversy surrounding allegations of LEFT WING anti-Israel/anti-semitic public school curricula, I wouldn’t summarily dismiss the possibility of this RIGHT WING incident being a false flag operation.
I would add, if the Daily Stormer group truly wanted to advance their cause, they would distribute the flyers in non-Jewish areas, NOT Jewish areas. Think about it. Who, if any group(s), gains from these flyers?
I realize this is an old conversation, so I thought I’d better add one more update before the topic drops off V14. According to the Little Free Library website, owners and users of LFLs in communities throughout the country have reported finding anti-Semitic propaganda in the boxes in the last week or so. In other words, it’s a nationwide campaign targeting Little Free Libraries, and though obviously dependent on local operatives to carry out the plan, it was neither dreamed up in nor specific to Newton. The hope is that the FBI will investigate, though I don’t know how realistic that is.