Garden City Vape & Smoke would be located at 21 Lincoln Street in Newton Highlands, according to this application for a sign that is before the Urban Design Commission. It would be Newton’s second vape shop, Vape Daddy’s is in Nonantum. Vape shops sell e-cigarettes, flavored cigarettes and other tobacco products, not cannabis.
Last month the city adopted new regulations limiting the sale of tobacco in Newton, including a cap of two “retail tobacco store or retail nicotine delivery product stores.” Here’s a summary of the regulation …
- Caps the number of tobacco and nicotine delivery product permits at the current number – 43. The effect of this is that no new establishments may open without first acquiring a permit from an already existing establishment.
- Creates a sub-cap of no more than two “retail tobacco store or retail nicotine delivery product stores.” These stores are adult-only (ages 21+), and the only place in Newton where flavored tobacco/nicotine delivery products can be sold. Currently one store exists in Newton. The regulation allows for only one more, if the applicant acquires a permit from an already existing store.
- Prohibits any new establishments from opening in a location within 500 feet of a public or private school, or an after-school program.
- Prohibits any new establishment from opening in a location within 500 feet of an already existing tobacco retail establishment.
What would people do without the Newton City Council protecting us from ourselves? Thank God for these brave men and women on the Council who fight this war against freedom every day.
@Mike: I’m not following. I’m not aware of any action the council has taken on this retailer.
@Greg– They capped vape stores at 2 for the entire city.
Yes, what is the government thinking when they regulate threats to public health?
I should be able to buy tobacco on every street corner, spray Monsanto Roundup all over my front lawn, leave my dog poop in the playground, and drive 80 mph down Needham St.
What next, a limit to the number of gun shops in town? Why is Newton limiting opportunities for entrepreneurs to make a buck?
Isn’t there a private preschool at the church at 54 Lincoln Street? And an after school program at Hyde Community Center, just about 500 feet away? I don’t see how this particular location meets the regulatory requirements.
I really wish they’d cap the number of salons and banks… Not to mention potholes.