I’ve asked this question here before but feel compelled to do so again:

Newton Republicans…why do you still let Tom Mountain represent you?

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogMountain is chair of the Newton Republican City Committee.  He was in the news again this weekend for calling the police when a group of dozens of Jewish protesters stood in a circle outside of the state headquarters of the Massachusetts Republican Party in Boston.

He told reporters, the protesters were “a disgrace to the Jewish people” and “an embarrassment to this country” and that the gunman who murdered 11 Jews at a Pittsburgh Temple was actually an “anti-Trump white supremacist.”  (Never mind the fact that the gunman said he was motivated by those Trump-fueled fears about the migrant caravan.)

Later Mountain had this to say to Jenna Fisher at Newton Patch about the protesters:

“They are a part of the divisive trend in this country is really trying to pin this massacre on Republicans and Donald Trump by trying to make some strange connection to White Nationalism. They’re living in a world of make-believe.”


Mountain said police advised him to go around to the back entrance to get in, but he refused.


“They were there to prevent entry into the building. I was not going to be shuffled over to the janitor’s entrance in the rear,” he said.

In contrast MassGOP chair Kirsten Hughes decided to take the high road, saying this when asked about the protesters outside her office ..

“The MassGOP strongly condemns and rejects all forms of hate, violence, and deeply values religious freedom.”

Now I’m pretty confident that Hughes statement better reflects the views of most Republicans in Newton and across the state.  So really Newton Republicans, why do you let Tom Mountain keep speaking for you?