Did I miss something? Is this a new way to increase revenue for this site? I just noticed the “Shiva” ad.
Since when did we have political advertisement on the blog?
by Amy Sangiolo | Oct 22, 2018 | Newton | 10 comments
by Amy Sangiolo | Oct 22, 2018 | Newton | 10 comments
Did I miss something? Is this a new way to increase revenue for this site? I just noticed the “Shiva” ad.
[youtube-feed feed=1]
I like seeing his ads everywhere because it reminds me of how he sued Techdirt (one of my favorite technology news/politics/policy websites) and lost: https://www.techdirt.com/blog/?tag=shiva+ayyadurai
He sued them because they reported that he did not, in fact, invent email.
@Amy: As you know, Village 14 is an all volunteer blog. The site is hosted by a local company called Serpcom, which hosts the site and provides us with technical support at no charge. In return Sepcom posts ads here and keeps all the revenue.
I’ve seen political ads here frequently over the years, starting if memory serves me right, with some ads purchased by Charlie Shapiro when he first ran for governors council.
Who knows, perhaps if you knew about this sooner, we’d be referring to you as Mayor Sangiolo today.
I sometimes wonder what the Internet must be like without μBlock and Ghostery – now I know! I wasn’t aware that V14 had ads, though – I will whitelist it.
Alas we were forced to see this clown’s racist bus on the Pike when we were driving to the Big E a few weeks ago. I wish there were an adblocker for the real world.
Amy, I don’t know what ad you are you taking about – nor do I want to. Why bring it up and give him free publicity?
The ads on the platform have nothing to do with V14 – as Greg points out – although delivered with a bit of snark. The ads are random (sort of) so not everyone sees the same ones.
@Marti: There was an ad for “Shiva Ayyadurai”. I guess I never paid attention to the ads until I became interested in starting up an online news platform.
Most ads on the web are targeted, it each page will scan your browser search history to know topics relevant to you.
Your past browsing history suggests shiva is relevant to you… this is why others may have not seen the ad you mention..
Welcome to “free” social web pages.. the cost is your privacy
My story about ads on the internet: I had to look all over the internet for hats last January. Within days after beginning my search, my husband Rich began receiving ads for women’s chemo hats on his computer and they continued daily for months! Meanwhile, I never received one. I don’t think they do a very good job of targeting their audience. Just sayin’ ;)
My ads target me with perfection, all places I shop regularly: Athleta, Anthropologie, Free People and Cusp.
I can think of a lot worse ads to see than political ads. But I’ve seen Shiva’s bus in the Lowell Sun parking lot, and it is pretty over-the-top.
Search for some plane flights or places to stay, and you’ll see nice pictures. I was seeing a lovely photo of Taos mountain long after I’d bought my flight.
@Julia: OK – will start searching for vacation spots – even though I won’t be going on vacation anytime soon!