The picture above was taken by NNHS student Jason Alpert-Wisnia at the rally in front of Smith and Wesson at Springfield to stop the manufacture in Massachusetts of guns that are illegal in Massachusetts. Guns that were used in the Parkland, Aurora, and San Bernardino mass shootings. Bob Massie and Jay Gonzalez were at the rally. Miriam (didn’t get her last name – sorry) and Heather Tausig from Newton helped the students along their 50 miles from Worcester to Springfield. Quentin Palfrey, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, met the students along the way.
David Hogg (center of photo) with the parents of Parkland victim Joaquin, Patricia and Manuel Oliver (either side) were impressive speakers and walkers. They did the entire 50 miles. As Manuel Oliver said at the rally, mothers working for Smith and Wesson helped assemble the gun that killed his son. We, as a State and a Nation, should not be making AR-15 semi-automatic style weapons for civilian use. Politicians that actively support ending gun violence get my vote November 6.
Kudos to all who participated.
That’s interesting that it is legal to manufacture items in MA that are illegal here. Wouldn’t have occurred to me that could be the case.
Congrats to all wh attended the rally and especially those who walked the 50 miles. Keep it up.