Kudos to Newton’s Holly Ryan for urging Massachusetts Democrats to vote yes to uphold transgender rights in Massachusetts, citing an alarming WBUR poll that showed only 52% of Mass. voters continue to support transgender rights.
The poll showed that 38 percent of voters support repealing existing legislation that allows trangender people to access public spaces according to the gender with which they identify.
After reading the article, it appears the objection is soley based on public restroom usage?
Great job Holly – you made Newton proud at the Convention.
“Yes” on this ballot question means continuing to ensure that transgender people in MA can’t be denied access to places (like restaurants for example) just because they are trans.
“No” means saying it is OK to discriminate against transgender people.
“Bathroom bill” – this is discriminatory propaganda from opponents started by Charlie Baker years ago. This ballot question has nothing to do with bathrooms and everything to do making sure transgender people continue to have the same civil rights protections as everyone else.
@Shawn. Thanks for clarifying this. The opponents claim it’s just about bathrooms, but their real motives are more like the camel getting a toehold in the tent with his nose inside. Once one part of is compromised, other parts are almost always threatened.