Newton Police have their eyes on a black bear that is hanging out in a tree in Newton Centre, according to Newton Patch. Police are asking people to be careful or avoid the area.
I’m refraining from writing any unbearable puns.
Newton Police have their eyes on a black bear that is hanging out in a tree in Newton Centre, according to Newton Patch. Police are asking people to be careful or avoid the area.
I’m refraining from writing any unbearable puns.
Good tips in the Patch article, like about backing away if you see a bear. I believe you’re not supposed to run, lest you look like prey and trigger their instinct to chase?
BTW, watch out for deer on 128! I was driving home from Lowell around 1am the other night, and had to not exactly slam on the brakes, but decelerate very rapidly, for a deer that was walking across the exit ramp from Rt3 south to 128 south.
Bear has been caught and taken to Tufts Veterinary for re-education:
So when there was a bear in Newtonville a few years back, they shot it. But a south side bear gets a free ride to Tufts! Cue the outrage.
At least you credit the EP for shooting the bear and not the Newton Police! They took a bad rap for that case.