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I’m sure there are hyper-reactive people everywhere but when it comes to changes in Newtonville, some residents’ response borders on hysteria. Conspiracies flourish over the smallest things – such as referring to “an “outreach” meeting held on March 29 but it was held in a small women’s club in Newton Highlands, NOT in Newtonville … “ and negative conclusions drawn regardless of their veracity.

To remedy this “problem” situation “There’s going to be a walk-around meeting outside the building at 697 Washington St. (where the marijuana shop will be, added to “Garden Remedies” the medical pot shop) this Thursday April 12 at 9 AM.” 

Concerns expressed include “greatly increased parking, traffic and general busy-ness in that block of Washington St. and in Court St., behind the building.”

Ending with “the medical marijuana business should be separated geographically from the much larger non-medical business location: put the pot shop elsewhere.”

I want to be clear that I have no problem with community meetings. Evidently the building owner, who appears to disregard abutters valid complaints about the property, and Attorney Buchbinder, who represents Garden Remedies, will be there. Hopefully they will waylay any and all concerns.  

What do you think?