The 2nd Annual Newton Political Paddy’s Day Breakfast is taking off. We just got confirmation that our “mystery guest” will definitely be there on Friday. He is a nationally known political pundit that you may have seen on CBS, CNN, FoxNews, NBC, or BBC. Next week he’ll be on RT (Russian Television).
For contractual reasons we can not announce his name but he will definitely be there, definitely be speaking and will definitely be weighing in with his take on Newton politics.
Friday morning, 8:30 AM, Dunn Gaherins, public welcome – “be there or be boiled like cabbage”
He? Or she?
Sorry to have missed this. Had an Urban Tree Commission meeting. So who was the mystery guest? Will there be video?
That was too much fun this morning!
Fabulous job by Greg Reibman and Josh Krintzman as the MC’s. Brenda Noel’s performance with a virtual Jake Auchincloss as Ivanka and Jared was inspired. Loved Barbara Brousal-Glaser’s specially (re)written song for the occasion. Maybe Greg can post the speakers list. I know I’ll leave someone out if I take a crack at it.
@Julia Malakie – our mystery TV pundit was New York cab driver John McDonagh (aka The Cabtivist) who will be featured on Russia Television next week and has at one time or another been on nearly every TV network for one or more of his endless crackpot antics.
Many thanks to all of our elected officials who attended and/or spoke this morning. It was great to see them all having more fun than a Land Use Committee meeting – hard to believe I know.
As always, for everything, Seana Gaherin (Dunn Gaherins) and Chris Osboborn (Better Life Food) make it all work – thanks!!!
@Julia Malakie – NewTV did film it for a segment on next week’s Newton News.
@Julia: It was the Cabtivist, who has made several stops at the Newton Nomadic theater! The Second Newton St. Paddy’s Day event held at Dunn-Gaherin’s, was the brain child of Seana Gaherin, and turned into a rollicking and cleverly delivered event. MC Jerry Reilly manned the mike and after a lovely step-dance visible only from the waist up to the majority of viewers, turned the introduction duties over to co-hosts Greg Reibman and Josh Krintzman, who were easily ID’d by their holiday suits, bright green ties and lighted shamrock necklaces. City Councilor Brousal-Glaser sand a wonderful parody leading anaudience sing-along on her guitar.
Mayor Fuller, City Council President Laredo, City Council V.P. Kalis, three Democratic gubernatorial candidates (among them former Newton Mayor Setti Warren), State Senate Majority Leader Cindy Creem, a couple of Governor’s Council candidates all walked into a bar…
You had to be there! Don’t miss it next year!!!!!!!!
#$%^& PHOOEY, Jerry…that’s not the first time I was typing something clever, only to be upstaged by someone else…couldn’t you have waited four minutes?
Ya snooze, ya lose Sallee ;-)