indaLinda Plaut is the director of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs. Her office is behind or involved in all kinds of wonderful city sponsored activities – everything from Arts in the Park, the Festival of the Arts, the street pianos, the 4th of July fireworks, a whole series of festivals throughout the year. So how, you might ask, does one become the city director of fun? Find out below.
In May 2017, the Newton Nomadic Theater held its 12th Nomad Story Slam at the Newton Free Library with four invited guests story tellers along with a dozen more we pulled from the hat. The theme of the night was “out of the blue” and these are the stories.
My apologies for the audio quality. We had some equipment issues
The Stories (click on names):
- Ellen Meyers
- Jackson Gillman
- Tova Mervis – author of “The Ladies Auxilliary”
- Edgar Klingman
- Lynn Colongione
- Tom Lyons – owner of New England Mobile Book Fair
- Don Picard
- Mike Cohen
- Linda Plaut – director of the Mayors’s Office of Cultural Affairs
- Louise Sacco
- Harry M
- Alicia Johnson – pastor of Myrtle Baptist Church
- Kerri Klugman
- Jerry Reilly
- Marilyn Bentor
- Cindy Marshall
- Lise Stern
Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories and especially for giving the indomitable Linda Plaut the opportunity to share hers. Linda truly practices what she preaches; 17 years ago, when Barbara Litwin and I wanted to start a Halloween Window Painting Contest in Newton and approached the city with our idea, Linda immediately said yes (despite the fact that the plan probably sounded kooky at first). Linda is the director of fun because she is a genius at recognizing opportunities to bring people together and strengthen civic bonds. Thanks to Linda’s leap of faith, the Halloween Window Painting Contest has become a Newton tradition. Linda Plaut is a city treasure.
I know Linda from the friendship she struck up with my late wife, Elizabeth, who she met in the park behind Mason Rice school when each of them , new arrivals in the city, with children in tow, struck up a conversation. Part of it was in commiserating as to how they would adjust to living here each with two small children. They became great friends, in large part due to Linda’s generosity of spirit, and ability to share her time and love.
And importantly for me, I will be eternally grateful to her for speaking for me at Elizabeth’s funeral.
We are so much the richer for her life here in Newton and she deserves all the plaudits credits and more, ever bestowed on her ! Thank You Linda !
Linda Plaut, Judy Dore, and Jeannie Smith do some amazing community building and arts for our city. We’re lucky to have them.
Linda Plaut said “yes” to me eleven years ago and that was what started Newton Youth Players and a few years later Newton Theatre Company. I love working with Linda! Together we have created wonderful theatre and a wonderful friendship. Can’t say enough about this amazing woman!